chapter 3

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Once he reached Nathalie room, he opened the door and he saw Nathalie lying down on her side clutching her stomach in pain.
Gabriel sat next to her on the bed and he started rubbing her arm to sooth her.
Gabriel phoned the doctor and once the doctor had arrived, Gabriel lead her to Nathalie’s room.
Once the doctor was in Nathalie’s room, Gabriel was told to wait outside while she examined her, the doctor pulled Nathalie shirt up and she started examining her stomach, then the doctor pulled Nathalie’s trousers down and she noticed that her appendix was swollen.
Once the doctor had finished examining Nathalie’s body, she asked Gabriel to enter the room, the doctor told both of them that Nathalie has appendicitis and that she will need surgery ASAP as appendicitis is life threatening.

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