Chapter 9

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*Earlier that day*

Haein walked as she drank her boba. Before going home, she decided to make a stop at the convenience store to buy some things.

Haein put some noodle packets in the shopping basket and grabbed some soda and water. Haein looked at some other snacks before going to the register and saw Jaebeom.

"Sorry sir, but you're short on money," the man behind the counter says.

"Sorry about it sir," Jaebeom says, putting his hands in his pockets, trying to find more cash or coins. "I'll just take a few things off."

Haein gets in line behind him and slides a bill before the cashier could take it off. "Here, I'll pay for the rest." 

Jaebeom looked at her. "You don't have to, it's ok." 

"I don't have to, but I did," she shrugged.

"But what about your stuff?" Jaebeom asks as the cashier took the bill and bagged his stuff.

"I always have enough," Haein says. "No matter how little I have left." 

Jaebeom grabs his bags and puts the receipt in one of them. "I could walk you home."

Haein sets the shopping basket on the checkout counter, scoffing. "So we're friends now?" 

Jaebeom was confused. "I just want to do it and be nice." 

"Why?" she asks. 

"I just want to be friends... I hope that even though we had a rough past," Jaebeom softly smiled as Haein payed the cashier. "You even payed for my stuff..." 

She looked at him. "You can walk me halfway." 

"I'll take what I can get," he softly smiled.

The two began walking together. 

"So, do you hate me?" Jaebeom asks. 

"What? No, why?" Haein asks, looking at him. 

"Well, whenever we bump into each other, or I just wanna greet you," he starts, "you always seem mad to seem me and scowl at me. Is it because I rejected you in middle school?" 

Haein shook her head. "It's just happens that people bother me before you talk to me so I tend to be in a sour mood."

"Oh," Jaebeom says softly, silence filling the air. Jaebeom spoke up again, "do you think we could be friends? You do seem like a genuine person." 

Haein softly hums. "We could, but it wouldn't be immediate. We'd have to slowly build it." Haein stops and looks at him, "alright, we made it half way. See you around." Haein just gave him a small nod and walked away.

Jaebeom watched as she walked away, her hair swaying as she walked. He took a deep breath, wondering if she had lied or meant anything she had said prior.

"Bye," he said super softly under his breath, though she couldn't hear. He then turned around to walk home, wondering how such a sweet and heart warming person grew to be cold and bitter.

Well, brought this book back-

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