“Why do I need to see my therapist?” He asks. Oh God, how do I say this without scaring him?

“Uh, something happened last night, baby.” Hoseok tells him cautiously.

Way to be cryptic, genius.

“What? What happened?” Jin asks, panic entering his eyes when none of us answer him.

He’s looking at us with pleading eyes that are glistening with tears already.

He knows that if it was enough to make his mind forget, then it was bad.

He knows that whatever happened last night must’ve triggered old memories.

II noticed the moment it registers to him that the girl is no longer in the house.

Recognition settles in his eyes as he pieces everything together and the tears finally fall from his eyes.

He might not remember exactly what happened but he has an idea of yesterday’s events.

“Sh-she touched me?” he stutters in a broken voice, his bottom lip quivering as he tries to keep his cries silent.

Yoongi immediately shoots out of his seat, pulling Jin into a bone crushing hug with his own tears streaming down his porcelain skin.

Jin finally let’s out a sob as he clutches Yoongi’s smaller body to his, his head buried in the crook of Yoongi’s neck as his body quakes with loud sobs.

I can’t hold my own tears in as I watch my man break in front of me, none of us can.

Hoseok is holding a crying Jimin in his arms, who still hasn’t slipped back yet and hasn’t really stopped crying since the bedroom.

Jungkook’s body is also shaking with his own silent cries against my back.

Taehyung has his face buried in his arms on top of the counter, his shoulders are shaking as he cries.

It breaks me to watch my, usually happy bunch, cry like this. I hate it with all my might that I did not get rid of that girl sooner even though I could have.

I knew she was trouble from the start and I didn’t do anything about it.

I know this is not the time to be blaming myself for the events that led to this moment. I know who the culprit is and I swear I will make her pay.

I am the best lawyer in this city after all, and my firm does not take lightly to rapists and sex offenders.

Those are the cases that we handle with utmost care and justice is always served for the victim.

This time, the victim is one of my own. She touched what’s mine, messed up my home and reopened old wounds for one of my guys and she will pay dearly for it.

Jin still hasn’t stopped crying and my resolve solidifies, no one is ever going to hurt him again. Any of them.

“Jin, honey, maybe you should lie down for a while.” Hobi suggests after Jin has finally stopped crying, his cries reduced to sniffles and a lot of shivering, probably from the memories.

He keeps holding Yoongi tighter, while Yoongi tries to assure him that he isn’t going to let him go.

At Hoseok’s suggestion, Jin vehemently shakes his head no. He either doesn’t want to lie down at all or does not want to be alone right now.

We wouldn't leave him alone even if he wanted it, though.

“You can lay down with me, baby. I won’t leave you, I promise.” Yoongi assures him again, trying to remove Jin’s head from the crook of his neck so he can see his face, Jin just holds him tighter in return, whimpering under his breath and burying his face deeper.

“It’s okay, baby, I’m not letting you go.” Yoongi whispers into his ear in reassurance, tears returning in his own eyes.

Yoongi was there with Jin when his father was abusing him, he didn’t know it was happening but he had said Jin used to have the most severe panic attacks back then.

He didn’t want anyone to touch him and would break down if someone accidentally touched him.

It took Yoongi a long time to finally be able to touch his best friend and Jin would still tense every time, but they never gave up trying.

When Jin’s father was finally arrested, Jin started opening up more to Yoongi.

He became a little bit happier and would allow Yoongi to touch him more. Innocent touches, of course.

The one time that they kissed was when they were in college. That was both their first kisses and they said they didn’t trust anyone else but each other with it.

Now, seeing Jin like this must’ve brought back memories of their lives before Jin’s father was locked up.

It’s hard for all of us seeing Jin like this,  but it must be even harder for Yoongi.

“Mini? “ Hobi whispers from the other side of the kitchen counter, and when I look in his direction I see him looking down at Jimin’s sleeping face.

Poor baby, he must’ve cried himself to sleep.

“Is he sleeping? “ Jungkook’s raspy voice asks from behind me, his arms are still banded around my waist. Hobi mutters a small ‘yeah’.

“I think Jin fell asleep too.” Yoongi whispers, chuckling a bit under his breath. He’s holding a sleeping Jin like it’s a piece of cake. His body might be small but he’s got some strength in him.

“Do you want me to take him?” I ask him in a whisper, careful not to wake any of them up. Jungkook’s hold becomes tighter around my waist.

He doesn’t want to let go yet but Yoongi won’t be able to lift Jin all the way up to bed so he’s going to have to let go for a minute.

“Kook, I need to carry Jin to bed, baby.” I tell him over my shoulder. He whines under his breath but let’s me go anyway, wrapping his arms around himself in a protective gesture.

After Jungkook let’s me go, I take Jin into my arms bridal style with his arms hooked around my neck.

He’s fucking heavy but I love him so I suck it up and carry him all the way up to his room with Yoongi following behind me, Jimin in his arms.

After putting both of them in bed, they unconsciously shuffle closer to each other, holding one another tightly before they simultaneously sigh contentedly.

It's by far the cutest thing ever and I would swoon if I wasn’t so angry right now.

I have to find that girl before she gets too far. It’s a good thing our kitchen has security cameras thanks to Jin being protective of his domain.

He literally put cameras in there in case one of us left a mess and tried to deny it.

I admit I'm guilty of leaving most of the messes and pinning it on Tae, Kook, and Mini, but I'm glad for the cameras now even though they snitch on me.

So the footage from yesterday and the one from when she wrecked the kitchen will have to be enough evidence to put her away.

That, plus the multiple times she had stalked him around the house. I can make a case out if this and hopefully put her behind bars.

That should help ease Jin’s mind. Hopefully.

No thoughts just sleep on my mind 🧎🏾‍♀️

Only Seven- Rewriting Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora