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Bdubs woke up in the middle of the night, which was extremely unusual for him. Usually, he slept like a rock and was about as hard as one during the day.

But this was one of the rare nights when he slept shallowly.

The smallest noise woke him up. He opened his eyes and looked toward the door just in time to see it close.

But it wasn't the door that alarmed him.

It was the thread that was caught in it.

In the moonlight that came through the window, Bdubs could see a red wool fiber caught in the door. It was a piece of a sweater. Of Grian's sweater.

Why was he sneaking out?

Bdubs reached over to wake Scar or Gem, but decided against it. He was twelve. He could do this on his own.

Bdubs cracked the door open, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He needed to find Grian before the mischievous teenager got into trouble. Last he had heard, the punishment for breaking curfew was being fed to the cleaning harpies. Bdubs did not want his friend, however annoying, to end up dead.

Bdubs spotted three people running uphill to the Big House. If one was Grian, then the other two were probably Connor and Travis Stoll.

Glancing around nervously, Bdubs followed them.

Bdubs padded inside after them, his footsteps as silent as a mouse. But he couldn't see where they had gone. Sighing quietly, Bdubs went I to the living room. Whatever the hooligans were doing, Bdubs was determined to find it out. And he was determined to get them to go back to bed.

"Bye," someone said from upstairs.

Then a few seconds later, a very loud creaking noise.

Bdubs went to the bottom of the stairs to intercept them.

"I suppose you think you're brave," he said, in his best impersonation of Mr. D, which was pretty good.

One of the twins - Bdubs couldn't tell them apart - nearly screamed out loud. Grian did scream out loud.

"Shhh, it's me!" Bdubs said, mischief instantly dissolving into panic.

"Bdubs? Oh, Notch," Grian said. "I thought you were Mr. D."

"Gods of Olympus," a twin said. "What are you doing here?"

Bdubs crossed his arms. "What are you doing here?"

"You're supposed to be asleep!" Grian said.

"I had a nightmare."

"Oh, that's bad," the other twin said.

"What?" Grian said.

"It's just a dream," Bdubs said.

"We should get out of here," the first twin said. "We can explain later."

The four of them ran out of the building and across the lawn, stopping only once they were back at the cabin.

"That was an adventure," Grian panted.

"You three are morons," Bdubs said. "Now explain."

"Too late," one of the Stolls said. "Let's do it in the morning."

"Agreed," Grian said.

Bdubs could never resist a chance to sleep. "Fine," he spat. "But you're telling me I'm the morning. And you're promising not to do this again."

"Sure," Grian said, exchanging amused glances with his friends.

In Bdubs' opinion, that wasn't quite good enough. But he got back down on the floor and went back to sleep.

Camp Hermit-Blood: a Hermitcraft fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now