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That was two Hermits who had been claimed. And unfortunately, Scar was not one of them.

Zedaph had gone to the Athena cabin, which was much too confusing to Scar. He was not smart enough to be one of them.

And just last night, Ren had been claimed as a son of Ares. He had gone with Red Team. And since Ares and Athena were rivals, almost enemies, he and Zedaph were pretty much against each other. Scar did not want to be in the middle of that conflict.

Scar joined the other Hermits as the Hermes cabin went to breakfast the morning after Capture the Flag. Nobody had been seriously injured in the game last night, so everyone was there.

Well, except that kid Percy. He had been seriously injured by the Jell-O hound.

Jell-O hound... that didn't sound right.

He'd go with that for now and hope Grian didn't notice, although he probably would. It wasn't Scar's fault he couldn't pronounce babagerie- menadegerie- mun-

Never mind.

Scar squeezed in between Gem and Travis and waited for the food to come out. He was hungry.

After Chiron told everyone good morning, the dryads brought out the food.

It was delicious, as always. Scar didn't know what half the stuff was, because he had pretty much lived off of steak, baked potatoes, and golden carrots in Hermitcraft, but it was still good, and Scar still ate it. There was a lot left for him to try.

"Scar," Grian whispered, leaning behind Travis. The son of Hermes looked a little annoyed at the wall of red sweater (that Grian still wore with a camp shirt under it) that now forced him to lean nearly into his food.

"Yes?" Scar said, taking another bite of his.. whatever it was called. It was some sort of grain, with milk in it. Scar had also put some berries in it that he couldn't remember the name of.

"I almost jumped off a cliff last night," Grian said causally.

Scar nearly spat out his breakfast in his laughter.

"Wait, what?" Travis said.

"When we were scouting," Grian said. "Remember?"

"Yeah, but you almost died!"

Grian shrugged. "I almost die a lot."

"I do die a lot," Scar said.

Travis looked incredibly confused. "What-"

"Never mind," Grian said quickly.

"Maybe we shouldn't talk about this stuff in public," Gem said. "Anyone could hear us right now."

"Yes," Travis said. "I agree. Don't talk about... dying a lot at the breakfast table."

"Who's dying?" Connor asked.


The day was spent trying to get the new campers claimed. Even if they weren't claimed, Luke had some theories on who their parents could be.

They found him in the swordfighting arena, training Percy, the son of Posideon who had been claimed last night.

Scar had noticed that not many people talked to Percy anymore. He used to be pretty popular, something about a minotaur, but now most people avoided him. Scar didn't understand what the deal was.

"Luke, you said you had some theories on who our parents could be, but we can leave if you're busy," Tango called.

"Please be busy, I need a nap," Bdubs yawned.

Camp Hermit-Blood: a Hermitcraft fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now