Extra: Bad Hairday.

Start from the beginning

Ivan scratches his head in embarassment. "Ahaha... You saw that?"

"In a more serious situation, that could've been lethal."

"Alright alright I get it." Ivan sighs. "I will cut my hair."

"Good." Lynn nods, a smile of satisfaction on her face.

"And by the way, how come your hair stayed literally the same ever since we came here?" Ivan asks.

"Huh? That's because I cut it regularly." Lynn answers.

"Well... could you cut my hair then please?" Ivan asks.

"Eh? I don't actually cut my own hair. Kyla does it, and she's quite good at it."

"Really?" Ivan asks.

"Really." Kyla confirms, startling everyone at the table.

"When did you get here??" Ivan turns to Kyla.

"She owns the place." Adds Gabriel.

Ivan turns to Gabriel "I know that smartass, but-"

"Since we don't have a barber in town, People often come here to get their hair cut." Kyla states.

"That is true. Even I sometimes visit Kyla to get my hair trimmed!" Says Goldegar as everyone turns to him, staring at his head again.

"Uh..." Gabriel utters.

"Anyway." Kyla breaks the silence. "I can cut your hair."

"That's great! Thank you so much Kyla!" Ivan smiles.

"No problem. Since its still early and there's not much going on in the inn yet, we can go upstairs and get your hair done quickly."

"Great!" Ivan nods, turning to the stairs. Though before he can go there, a hand tightly grips his shoulder, turning him around.

"Where do you think you're going. You have to pay up first." Says Kyla.

"Pay?" Ivan asks in confusion.

"Yea. 1000 perun." Kyla demands, raising her hand.

"How much now??" Ivan shouts.

"1000 perun." Kyla repeats.

"That's a robbery!" Ivan complains.

"Did you expect me to cut your hair for free?" Kyla asks.

"Well- no, but-" Ivan stutters, then turning to Lynn. "Did you seriously pay 1000 perun for a haircut??"

"No. Kyla cut mine for free." Lynn answers.

"Ehh? Then why are you asking for 1000 perun to cut mine??" Ivan asks.

"Are you Lynn?" Kyla crosses her arms.

"I am not..?" Ivan utters, seeming confused.

"There you go, that's why."

"... Well, I'm not paying 1000 perun for a haircut." Ivan crosses his arms, looking away.

"Then stop wasting my time." Kyla pushes Ivan back into his chair before walking away.

"That was terrific." Gabriel smiles.

"Shut up." Ivan snorts.

Lynn sighs. "Well, that's that. Guess I could cut your h-"

"I'll cut your hair, Ivan!" A slender redhead shouts across the room as everyone turns to her. She then quickly covers her mouth as her face turns red.

"Ira? You'd do that for me?" Ivan asks.

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