Part 13: Jeju Day 2

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"Ryujin what do you think of me?" I didn't know what to expect after asking this absurd question. This question could imply two thing. One would be, "do you like me?" And the other would be "what's your impression of me?" Both would achieve different answers but both would satisfy me. Ryujin didn't answer and just stared at the scenery for a bit. Yes, the 1 AM sky did look lovely.

It had been half a minute and she still hadn't answer the question. It would have been too weird if I asked again but it also felt strange when I didn't get a reply. Was she bothered by it? I decided to ignore it for a bit when I saw a smile suddenly form on her face. Her eyes did look someone upset though, she finally spoke.

"Jisu, what do I think of you?" She repeated.

I just nodded thinking of all the possible answers she could say.

"I think you're... someone really special."

Ryujin P.o.V

"I think you're... someone really special." Those were all the words that could come out of me. I wanted to say more, I really did but something was holding me back. If I let everything out now, then maybe Lia wouldn't want to talk to me. I'm scared, what if I lose Lia because of my stupid feelings.

"Special?" She asked.
"Special is just one word."
"I see."
"Were you expecting a different answer?"
"No, I was just expecting a longer answer."
"What would answer?" I asked her now.
"What do you mean?

"What do you think of me Lia?"

I want to know if my loving you is okay, if it's the correct thing to do.

"You're someone important."

She also answered vaguely. "You're someone very important, and there's no doubt about it." She smiled and sat next to me on the shore. She rested her head on my shoulder and instantly fell asleep. Ahh Lia, you and your habits.

"Good morning guys! How was your rest!" Yeji exclaimed which made us all wake up as we walked down to breakfast.
"Not too bad, a pretty nice bed, I must say!" Karina answered as she stretched her arms.
"Yeah was whatever." Soobin continued - same bad mood as always.

Frankly, Lia and I didn't get much sleep, or actually, I didn't get much sleep. Lia fell asleep on my shoulder from 1 to 6 in the morning and I stayed awake, making sure nothing would disturb her.

"You seem tired Ryujin?" Chaeryeong stated. Well, she was right.
"Oh yeah, Jeju excitement got to me!" I said as I saw Lia mouth a 'sorry'. I smiled at her brightly saying it was alright.
"How about we plan something for today? Anyone got any ideas?" Beomgyu asked.
"I want.... to go swimming!! Haven't done that in a long long time." Yuna jumped. Huh, she was energetic now.
"Sounds good, anything else you want to do today?"
"How about try some local dishes?" I added.
"You're interested in food?" Yuna asked me.
"Yep sure am!"
"You know Yuna, Ryujin is actually an excellent chef herself!" Lia said as she patted my shoulder.
I humbly denied what she said but I've got to say, I'm pretty good.

Lia P.o.V

The day had been pretty calm. We went to the grand swimming area in front of our hotel and spent most of our time their. Yuna and Ryujin have gotten really close ever since Ryujin found out they have the same surname 2 hours ago. Anyway.

"Hey Lia, got a moment?" Yeji walked up to me.
"Uh, yeah, sure, what's up."
"You alright?"
"Yeah I am?"
"You seem a bit, I don't know, held back today."
"Do I seem annoyed?"
"No, it just seems like somethings bothering you." Yeji continued.
"I know what you mean but honestly, I'm not sure what's on my mind."
"Is it something related to Ryujin?"
"Mhm." I looked down and sighed.
"Did something happen between you two."
"No not really, I've been thinking about whether I like Ryujin or not for a while." I looked up at Yeji who had a bright smile on her face.
"So?? Do you like her!"
"Shhh, she'll notice. And I'm come to the conclusion that..."
"Yes, yes."
"That I don't like her like that. She's just my best friend and nothing will change that."
"Lia, you're not serious right."
"You are clearly in love with her! Don't ignore your feelings. Just accept the truth."
"But this is the truth."
"Don't make a decision overnight, think about it later, let's go have some fun with the others."
"I'll sit this one out."
"Fine, I'm coming."

At dinner was when I really felt weird. I felt a bit absent and Ryujin was on my mind again. During dinner, Ryujin and Yuna had gotten way too close. I mean way too close. The kind of close... that we are. Yuna had her arm around Ryujin, rested on her shoulder and everything.

What, why Ryujin?

She didn't seem to notice me that evening and for the first time ever, I felt as if I was ignored.

"This tastes pretty good, try it." Ryujin said as she passed the bowl of something to Yuna.
"I'll only try it if you feed me Jin." Yuna smirked.

Jin? Since when did she start calling Ryujin by a nickname. I thought I was the only one who called Ryujin Ryu or Jin. I'm most probably overthinking this and there's nothing going on between them. Even if there was something, why would it concern me?

I've already decided anyway, Ryujin's only my best friend.

Confession || JinLia ffOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz