2:25 You Just Jump Around

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Warning: mentions of arson, fire, sensitive hearing, teenage party, underage drinking, swearing, violence

Vic brought her knife to school. She hid it in her jacket so the teacher's wouldn't see and call her dad. She still peeked at people from the edge of her vision, ready for an attack. It wasn't a good life style but she'd rather be cautious and live then be stupid and die.

She met Mason by the school sign as usual. He relaxed a little when he saw her but not entirely. "Hey," she said. "Where's Liam?"

"I don't know," Mason admitted. "I think he might've gone in a different entrance."

"Well, let's go find him then," she said. The two walked in the double doors. Liam was down the hall. "Found him."

When they got closer they noticed the boy's appearance. Sweat lined his forehead, his eyes zipped back and forth, his back rigid. He seemed to spot something down the hall and froze. Vic could smell his chemosignals and the main emotion she got off him sent a spike of worry through her.


"Liam!" Mason called.

The wolf turned around at his friend's voice and seemingly relaxed as he saw the two.

"Hey, am I gonna see you at the bonfire tonight?" Mason asked.

"Oh, that was tonight?" Vic asked. "I knew I was forgetting something."

"I texted you about it for ten minutes last night," Mason pointed out.

"I was also on the phone for an hour afterwards, that conversation left more of an impression," she told him.

Liam shook his head. "I was thinking about skipping it."

"You're not skipping," Mason denied.

"Why not?"

Vic narrowed her eyes at him. He seemed genuinely desperate not to go to this. She couldn't blame him though. It was really a bunch of drunk teenagers stumbling around a giant fire, which could get someone hurt in her opinion.

"Because you're on the lacrosse team, don't you have to go?" Mason reasoned.

"I don't, uh..." He trailed off, his eyes stuck down the hall once more. Vic followed his gaze. She couldn't see anything besides the students. He could be paranoid about assassins like her. It was a possibility. "I-I don't think I can make it."

"You're coming," Mason resolved. "Vic, so are you."

"I don't remember agreeing to go," Vic said.

"You have to, I'm playing the friend card," Mason said.

Vic groaned. "Not the friend card."

"You're coming because you can't say no to the friend card. You are going because you need to have some fun." He turned to Liam. "And you're coming too. We're gonna find you a nice girl that you can embarrass yourself in front of and find me a lacrosse player. Because statistically speaking, someone on your team has gotta be on my team. Alright?"

"There is," Vic said. Mason turned to her with hope in his eyes. "He has a boyfriend. Or it might be girlfriend, I'm not sure which pronouns they go by right now. Well either way he has a partner."

Mason groaned and turned back to Liam. The boy's eyes were stuck down hall again. His breaths were pants and heavy.

"Liam?" Mason asked.

"Liam? Can you hear me?" Vic waved a hand in front of his face, which broke his trance.

He turned back to the two. "Okay, I-I-I'll be there." He looked down the hall once more before he ran off.

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