2:13 It's Fixed

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Warnings: mentions of dead people, angst in certain parts, kissing, sass and sarcasm, fluff in other parts

Vic stepped back. "Okay, try it," she said.

Malia tugged on the chains and they held.

"Harder," Vic told her. "We need to know if these will hold. agive it all you got."

"You sure these'll hold?" Malia asked. She eyed the two leather straps around her wrists. They were connected to rouch, iron chains but the leather looked pretty flimsy.

Vic shrugged. "They held me my first full moon. I was in bear form too."

Malia nodded and pulled the chains with all her strength. They held.

It was early December and Malia's first full moon since she got turned back into a human. They were camped out in the school basement. The door was tough, locked from the outside, and bulletproof so it would hold a werecoyote. The basement was a little cold but not too bad. It was still California after all.

They both looked over when they heard footsteps. Vic relaxed when she caught the scent. Leather car seats and too much Axe. Stiles came around the corner of the shelves with a plastic bag in his hand.

"Hey," he said. "Place is clear. We're good for the night."

"You'd think they'd have better security with everything that happened here," Vic said, sitting down agaisnt the shelves.

"I think that's exactly the reason why there's no security," Stiles countered, sitting beside his sister.

"What are you talking about?" Malia asked confused.

"There were a few times where supernatural creatures attacked the school," Stiles explained. He pulled out a bag of ketchup chips and passed them to his sister. "An alpha named Peter Hale attacked me, Scott, Lydia, this kid named Jackson and Allison. Then, later, Jackson got bit and made a mess of the library. He was this snake thing that could paralyze people-"

"Kanima, right?" Vic asked.

Stiles nodded.

Malia looked out the nearby window. It was night and the moon was out. She couldn't see it but she could feel it. Feel the effects, feel the need to break free, to run wild, to tear apart everything and everything, to feel the blood on her hands-

"Hey, Lia," Vic said. The girls' voice snapped her out of it. "Stop thinking about it," Vic said. "I know it's hard but you gotta think of something else."

"Like what?" Malia asked. Her breath was coming out in pants, fast and hard like she was running a 4K marathon.

"Tell me about your classes," Vic urged. "You understanding your stuff?"

"Not really," Malia admitted.

"That's okay," Vic reassured. "It takes awhile to get it sometimes. Hell, I barely understand my work. Half the time I'm guessing on quizzes."

Stiles nodded in agreement. "It can take a bit to understand. But we'll help you, okay?"

"Especially with math," Vic said.

"Math sucks," Malia said.

"No, grammar sucks, math is a dick," Vic corrected.

"What's the difference?" Malia demanded. Vic could see the claws starting to poke through her nails, wanting to come free.

"Same difference as dill pickle and salt and vinegar chips," Vic said. "One's decent-"

"Salt and vinegar makes me want to vomit," Malia interrupted.

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