"It better be important, cause if not, I will end up in jail tonight." You mumbled to yourself as you put your phone in your pocket and stepped outside of your room, the two men on your couch, freezing visibly after your entry.

"I will go grab something from the supermarket nearby. Need anything?" You gave a simple excuse as Jin requested some snacks while Jimin said nothing as you walked away, leaving them to continue speaking about the true version of tonight's story, that Jimin was spilling to Jin in detail.

Once outside of your door, you took a deep breath before approaching DongMin who had halted near the elevator and was waiting for you. " What is it that you wanna tell me?"

"Are you okay, I heard what happened tonight and-"

"Spare me the sympathy. If this is what you wanted to talk about then I am going." You turned to walk away towards the stairs, unwilling to waste a single more minute with him but he took hold of your arm and brought your steps to a halt.

The way you glared at him, made him retry his hand quickly enough while an apology left his lips, guessing how much that could have possibly triggered you while you were already in a seemingly charged mood.

"God sure is testing my patience today...just tell me to want you to want already"  You took a step back and faced him properly and DongMin looked straight into your eyes as he gathered the courage to ask the question that had started eating him a bit more than usual. For it wasn't the first time you and Jimin had left space for misunderstandings but so far he had just thought it impossible, because of you being who you are and him being who he was.

"I know this will most likely annoy you, but I have to ask...Is there really nothing going on between you and Jimin?" You couldn't help but scoff upon hearing his question, finding it ridiculous and more annoying than the last time he had made that kinda assumption.

"For the last time, mind your own business. It's nothing to you even if something is going on. This better be the last time I have to say this to you." Your stern gaze let him understand well that he was out of line but still that didn't keep him from continuing uttering his thoughts.

"You can't Y/N. He is no good for you. No matter how he seems, never trust him. You hear me." His gaze begged you as he spoke those words, making you give him a confused gaze, as you were wondering if he was saying those things because he too knew what Jimin's mental condition was or there was something else he was referring to, which you were yet to be aware of.

"What are you talking about? He is a kind person, caring and loving-" You decided to provoke him a bit hoping he would go on, using words that you distributed to Jimin more or less by now and thankfully DongMin reacted before you even got to finish that sentence of yours.

"He is an actor, for God's sake! He is good at pretending. I know him for so many years. I am telling you, I don't think he is capable of love. I don't think he is capable of truly feeling any kind of emotion. He is odd Y/N."

"For someone that he trusts and keeps you by his side as a friend, you sure are speaking too much ill of him. Well not that I was expecting anything better to come from you." You tried to walk away after you gave him a downgrading look, only for Dong Min to step in your way and stop you.

"I am not talking ill of him. I am on his side and I am saying these things to you because I care. Yes, the thought of you loving someone new may not be the best, but it can't be him. He will never love you. He has never loved anyone he has dated. He gets from one relation to the other in such a short time and is exactly the same with each one that comes. They are all just a replacement, a search of his to feel something. I know him well and I am telling you, don't fall for that."

"Get out of my face. You think that you can tell me what to do and play worried about me in itself is freaking hilarious.  If you cared about my heart not getting broken so much, you should have been the one to not break it first. Don't tell me you forgot." You pushed him aside and spoke those words to him, maintaining eye contact with him, until he lowered his gaze in shame then you walked down the stairs, leaving him behind.

His words kept circling in your heart, making you angrier and angrier with each step you took for the audacity he had shown was infuriating. And the fact that he had basically requested from you to stay away from Jimin, was only provoking you to do the opposite.

However you had no feelings towards Jimin and playing with anyone's emotions by leading them on, was something you just won't do. Not to mention that the situation was nowhere close to what that airhead - as you referred to him inwardly- was thinking.

All you were was someone that was helping him find out something such so you could later use that information as your the step that will take you inside the dream job you had been wishing for. The only relationship you had with him, was clearly a beneficial business one yet maybe you could agree on the fact that you had both ended up being rather comfortable with each other. But what's the harm in that? A friendship can form under working conditions. It's not like a star like him would ever develop a liking for someone like you. And you definitely could never develop a liking for someone as mentally unstable and lost as he was.

--- To be continued...

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