OC Info + Prologue

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Name: Télos

Age: 15 (same age as Asta and Yuno)

Height: 5'0'' (at the start, he will grow with time)

Type of Magic: Dragon Wrath magic


(A/N Why does he look like Meliodas? Because i want him to, call me unoriginal)

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(A/N Why does he look like Meliodas? Because i want him to, call me unoriginal)

Personality: Télos is a excessively happy guy, it is hard to find him without a smile. He loves to fight to improve his skills and become the strongest in the world. He also has a thing for saying sate, sate, sate. He is carefree, doesn't take things seriously unless it's a life or death situation. Hardly gets angry, but he's deadly when it happens.

Likes: Food, fighting, family, reading, summer, sleeping.

Dislikes: Nobility, being overlooked, feeling useless, the cold weather.


It was nighttime in Hage, a poor village in the Forgotten District of the Clover Kingdom. It was a quiet night, everyone had already gone to sleep after a tough day of work. Orsi Orfai, priest of the church, was wishing a good night to the last nuns and children awake and put out the last remaining fires, when a noise broke the silent night.

Three different cries.

Orsi first thought he had imagined it, or that it was one of the kids living in the church or maybe the wind, but suddenly, one of the nuns, appeared with a confused face. 

"Are the children outside thir beds?" She asked. Then, the cries were again heard. It was then when they realized the cries were coming from the outside. He ran to the door and opened it abruptly, only to find three babies lying next to each other. The one in the right had grey hair, the one in the middle blond, and the last one with black hair. 

"Babies? But who would leave them outside? Where are their parents?" The nun asked.

"Definitely not here, let's bring them in or they will freeze to death" Orsi said, taking black-haired and the blonde on his arms as the nun took the grey-haired one.

Once inside, they put each baby in a crib as Orsi lit the fire with his fire magic.

"Finally they calmed down, are they brothers or twins? No, it's imposible, this one is very calm and quiet" The priest said, referring to the black-haired one. "But these two won't stop moving" The grey-haired baby was continuously tossing and turning while the blonde seemed to be trying to hold him still. "And they don't look alike in the slightest" Orsi lowered the blanket and found a name in the black-haired baby's clothes. "Hm, Yuno?" He then moved to the blonde. "Télos? Let's see. And the spunky one over here is-" He was cut as the grey-haired baby kicked him in the nose. "He has so much energy! Asta, huh? Right! From now on you don't have to worry about a thing, this place will be your new home Asta, Télos, Yuno"

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