Chapter 7-Sleepovers, Pillow Fights and Plans-Part 3

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I growl ferociously at the wolves outside. They growl back before turning and leaving. Kyle looked at me before following the other guys.

"Ok now that that's done.... Who's ready to start this sleepover?" I yelled. We all went 'whoo!' andnnsvd ran up the stairs to Chloe's room. I shifted in Chloe's closet and put on some of her clothes.

I then spotted the cotton candy and I could smell the chocolate!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I snatched the cotton candy that was on Chloe's bed and ran downstairs with it.

"No!" Chloe and Rachel immediately yelled.

"Give it back you candy addict!" Chloe yelled chasing me down the stairs.

"No!" I ripped open the back and took out all of the cotton candy and held It in one hand as my other hand reached for a pillow on the couch. I smacked Chloe hard in the face. Rachel laughed but then I smacked her upside the head and she fell with a little whimper. I laughed.

Then Chloe smacked me upside the head. And I knew.

It was on.


After the 30-minute long pillow fight we all say down to watch a movie. Well we didn't really watch it we just stared at it thinking about our own thoughts.

"Why was Kyle and those other guys outside of my door?" Chloe suddenly asked.

"Kyle showed up at my house saying he wanted to talk to me about 'us'."

"Oh my god really?!" Rachel squealed.

"Yeah. And he kissed me." Rachel squealed falling off the couch while Chloe stared at me in shock.

"Did you kiss him back?" Rachel asked.

I hesitated. "Mmmm. For a brief second." The girls squealed.

"Omg, you still like him?!?" Rachel said excited.

"No! It was the stupid mate bond." I said grabbing a pillow and snuggling into it on the couch. Rachel raised an eyebrow at me and Chloe crossed her arms. "Look even if I do like him still, which I don't, I'm not gonna beg on my knees for him like he wants me to. And I don't want to be the second choice either, so I'm not taking him back!" I said sternly. I got up from the couch and sat  at the kitchen table. Chloe and Rachel sat across from me looking excited as they whispered back and forth to each other.

Chloe cleared her throat before placing her arms on the table in front of her, and her fingers intertwined. She looked like a news reporter. "So you say you don't want to beg on your knees for him, right?" I nodded. "Then why don't you make him beg on his knees...wait for it.......for you." I processed what she said in my mind. I couldn't help the smile that lit up my face.

"And how are we gonna do that?" I asked suddenly confused.

"Well first we gotta make you irresistible. Make him wonder why he ever dated that piece of trash." Rachel said with a sly smile.

"Step two, we go buy you some showy clothes." Chloe said smiling in a funny face which made me laugh.

"But not too showy because you don't want him thinking you're a forget it I cant say the word. You know what I mean!" Rachel huffed as me and Chloe laughed so hard at Rachel's innocence.

"Step three? We find a way for him to ditch the bitc-"

"SSSSSHHHH!!!!!" Rachel interrupted Chloe looking shocked that she said that.

"Ok but lets focus on Step 1 and 2. Well figure out the rest later." We all smiled liked idiots as we continued to make our excellent and brilliant plans.

Well maybe not so excellent and brilliant... 

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