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"...Then the prince swoops in to save the day! Rescuing the princess from the fire monster!"

The little boy slammed his prince toy into a doll and smiled widely as his eyes gleamed while the girl sitting across from him pouted and slumped into the floor almost defeated.

"That's it? What about my princess? She sat in the castle for the whole game!"

"Cause my prince had powers silly, so he goes out and does all the dangerous things like monster fighting!"

Before the girl could open her mouth and say a word they both heard their mum calling echo up the stairs. 

"Eira! Kale! Dinner!"

Kale almost bolted down the stairs while Eira hesitated glancing back at the lifeless dolls with her brother's words whirling around in her head, mumbling to herself.

"I want to do more..."

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