Bonus | Yours

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❤︎ A Z O R A   R E I D

"Mama!" Zea's voice echoes.

Vin please, let your mother have a peaceful time for once.

"Mama, Mama, There are new neighbours!" Azea says excitedly.

I haven't seen my 7 year old this excited to see people before.

"Can we bake them cupcakes?! I want to make friends" Zea suggests.

"Sure, darling but not now, tomorrow" I reply.

"I want cupcakes" Vin whines.
"I'll tell dada to bring some" I smile as his face lights up.

"WE LOVE YOU MOMMA!" They shout in sync before scurrying off to somewhere.

These kids are confusing.

"Mama?" My 1 year old's voice whispers.

I turn around to see him staring at me with sleepy eyes from his crib.

"Mama" Ryven whines making 'grabby hands' at me as I walk to his crib.

He must have woken up because of the twins.

I place my hands under his arms to gently pick him up.

Carefully I place his head on my shoulder so I can rock him to sleep.

"Dada?" Ry asks.
"Dada is coming home" I reply, although He can't understand exactly what I'm saying.

I pace around Ryven's room for a bit before his soft snores indicate he has called asleep, again.

Gently I place him back in his crib before placing a baby blanket over him which he will probably tear of his body as soon as I leave.

I watch as he subconsciously pulls his stuff toy closer.

My baby.

"Is Ry asleep?" Zea asks softly seeing me walk out of his room.

"Ry is asleep so please, no loud noises, okay?" I ask.

"Ok, mama" Vin whispers.

"Dada is here too, he is downstairs" Vin adds before taking my hand and dragging me downstairs.

Well he attempted to.

"There you guys are, and yes. I bought Cupcakes" Ares smiles at the twins as they take the cupcakes and hurry to the movie room.

"How are you?" He asks, lightly kissing my neck.
"Dying of Ry's cuteness, nothing else" I reply.

"Mom is taking the kids tonight" Ares suddenly says.

"She's picking them in about, one hour" He adds kissing my neck, again.

"Have you eaten?" He asks wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Yes" I lie.

"What'd you eat for breakfast?" Ares hums.
"Omelet" I answer.

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