02 | letter

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To My Zora,

I just thought this would be a nice way to say goodbye therefore I did quite have the hint you were leaving but didn't say anything to Lia and I'm glad I didn't because she was freaking out like a manic when Mom said it.

Even tho we have hated each other for well..all of our lives I hope we can push that aside and actually become friends just like our parents.

Now since I am the bestest of best I decided to give you a bracelet that mom got for you and I just before you came, she just handed it to me saying "Give that to Azora" and I just thought this would be the best way to you know...to give it?

I don't  know honestly.

If you want me to be honest, I will and yes...I am going to miss your ugly face and mean attitude but most importantly I'm going to miss our competitions and rivalry.

Other than that I hope that NYC is very fun for you and that you enjoy your new school.

Also let me if anyone tries to take my spot, I'll fly there and murder the person (too violent?).

Anyways I hope you have a safe journey and don't get murdered cause I need a rival, also why am I saying 'Hope' so much?

I don't know,

See you later cause' you can't stay away from me for so long ;)

Till we reunite again Russo.

From your sincere Ares.

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