05 | Evolet

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(Wildest dreams by Taylor Swift)

A Z O R A R U S S O❤︎

(29th January 2021)

I scatter around my bedroom trying to find my tights to finish my uniform for today, after what seemed like eternity I finally found my navy blue tights.

Gazing into the mirror as it displays a clear image of my figure.

I'm wearing a grey crew neck, black blazer with the signature 'Luxford' logo, blue plaided skirt, tights and loafers.

You look skinny-

Your ribs might be showing..

God- how much calories did you eat yesterday?

Don't eat today?

Shaking my head to get rid of the thoughts, I decided to straighten my caramel brown hair from it original wavy form and don't tie it up or anything. Of course I have to add jewelry to my outfit which is the usual the silver butterfly necklace, a pearl necklace and the butterfly bracelet.

Sighing I quickly gather my stuff that I will need for today.

"MacBook, notes, pencil case, lip gloss, scrunchie, sanitizer, small perfume" I list all my stuff.
"Pretty sure that's it" I conclude.

Bad habit of talking to myself.

Placing all the stuff into my basic black backpack I quickly blot into the living/ kitchen and grab a apple to eat on the way.

"Woah, why are you already ready?" Liv asks rubbing her eyes.
"Cause' Mrs.Evaders decided to make me a assistant of some new guy" I respond walking towards the door.

"OoOoo a guy huh?" She teases.
"Shut the fuck up" I kindly say goodbye shutting the door.

Gripping onto one of the straps of my backpack, I quickly bring the green apple to my mouth and take a bite.

You should have woken up early!

Fuck off Bethany


Yeah, yeah whatever.

Just as I'm about to knock on her office door she  calls out my name from inside the office.

"Miss.Russo, your indeed late" Mrs.Evaders greets.
"Sorry Mrs.Evaders, couldn't find my notes" I apologize making a excuse and walking in.

As I walk in I see a dark brown haired boy sitting facing his back to me, not even bothering to say 'Hi'.

Arrogant mother fucker-

He's attractive.


He is dressed in the black blazer and I'm assuming the white button up underneath and the classic uniform.

"Anyways. This is Mr.Reid" She says motioning towards the boy sitting down opposite of her.


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