Prologue- The Acquisition of a Baby

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A/N: I've written a lot of stories, posted several on Wattpad and have generally struggled to complete any tales. This is a story I wrote awhile ago but it actually has a beginning, middle and end so I'll endeavor to post it all on here! I hope you enjoy (or at least don't wish to form a mob and hunt me down for wasting your time) this story. 


I stand in the back of the tavern listening. I am going to catch my neighbors in the act of stealing once and for all! I'm sick and tired of coming home only to find that half of my possessions are missing.

"I hear your wife is going to have a child," One man says to Mr. Linley.

"Yes she is. However, it's not my child. I know that much." He sneers.

"Relax. It's not like you've never cheated," The man answers with a laugh.

"That's different," Mr. Linley says.

"So what are you going to do?" Another of his friends prods.

"I'm going to wait until the child is old enough, then I will sell her as a slave. I might as well make some money off of this whole exchange." He snarls.

WHAT!?! Swallowing hard, I slip out the door. This is even worse than the time he stole all of my lawn furniture.

I am walking back to my house when I notice Mr. Linley sneaking into my garden. He takes handfuls of my rapunzel. Before I can confront him, and warn him of the dangerous addictive qualities the magical plant has, he steals away, back to his house.

"Idiot," I mutter, knowing that he will be back for more as soon as his wife finishes off the first batch of rapunzel. It will take three trips to my garden before she has had enough.

Sure enough, he's back the next night. This time I lie in wait. I have a plan. 

"How dare you steal into my garden and steal my rapunzel like a thief!" I exclaim, attempting to appear angry.

"Ah! Take mercy on me." He pleads, "I only stole the rapunzel out of necessity. My wife saw it out the window and felt a longing so strong that she would have died had she not eaten some."

"If that is so, you may take as much of my rapunzel as you want, if you then give me your child once she is born," I declare.

"Of course!" Mr. Linley agrees.

"I am here for the child." I declare, snatching away their baby.

Mr. Linley looks sullen. No paycheck for you... "I name her Rapunzel." I declare and then flee.

I suppose this means I will have to find a new home... If Mr. and Mrs. Linley tell the townsfolk of this, I will have a mob breaking down my door...

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