Start from the beginning

I palm my erection through my pants when I notice that Jimin's hand is deep inside Hoseok's tight faux leather skinny jeans.

They're moaning into each others mouths without any care as to who might hear but they don't have to worry, the only offices around here belong to the old staff.

They're all practically deaf and should've retired by now.

I'm brought back to the moment when Jimin whimpers. Hoseok is now trailing kisses down his neck and rubbing him through his overalls.

He has his eyes closed as he revels in the pleasure Hoseok is giving him, and I admire how beautiful he is.

His pillowy lips are swollen and thicker from the kiss. Their naturally dark pink colour is darker now and his skin is flushed and sweaty.

He looked good before and he looks even better like this. Cheeks pink with a flush and his thick lashes resting on his cheekbones. Pink hickies on his ne- Wait, Hickies.?

"Hoseok, you dumbass, you're leaving hickies on him!" I exclaim, moving to remove the horny man from the poor boy who won't be able to explain how he got hickies when he didn't have them before coming in here.

"What's wrong with that?" Hobi says with a frown on his face, annoyed that I stopped his fun. He's thinking with the wrong head again.

"He didn't have any hickies when he came in here, genius." I try to explain to him but he still looks at me blankly, not understanding where I'm going with this, "Fuck, are you stupid? How will he explain them to his friends? Do you want to lose your fucking job?"

I guess that's what it took for him to understand the gravity of the situation because his eyes go wide before they snap to Jimin, who had been looking at him feet the whole time with a blush on his cheeks.

He's probably so confused right now. Hoseok really did a number on him because there are big marks on his neck and below his ear.

They're not dark enough to be noticeable but they are progressively getting darker.

"Jimin, baby, are you okay?" Hoseok asks. Jimin nods before he shakes his head no again.

His voice is small and barely above a whisper  when he asks, "what happened?"

Hoseok looks at me, probably wanting me to explain to our mate why he and Hoseok tried to eat each other's faces only minutes ago.

I sigh as I think of a way to break this down to him. When nothing comes to mind, I just decide it's better if I show him my mark and so I begin to remove my tie, shirt and undershirt.

"What the fuck are you doing." Hoseok whisper yells like Jimin can't hear him, his eyes darting from my hands undoing my buttons to Jimin who is looking at me very intently.

Naughty boy.

After undoing my shirt and removing it, I untuck my undershirt and pull it over my head. Jimin quickly avert his eyes while Hoseok, who was scolding me earlier, openly stares at my body making me smirk at him.

This isn't about him though so I look over at Jimin, who has a deep blush on his face and his hand covering his mouth, still not looking at me.

"Jimin?" I call to get his attention and he slowly turns his head to look in my direction, or over my shoulder, "Do you have this mark?" I ask him, pointing at my mark on my right pectoral.

The violet mark is very bold and easy to see, his eyes widen progressively as he studies it. His own hand unconsciously moving to his inner thigh.

He looks from my mark to Hoseok and back, repeatedly before I see his eyes trail down to Hoseok's hip, probably seeing his own mark.

I'm freaking out because he hasn't said anything but I don't let it show, he's just shocked.

"I- I.." he mumbles, looking back and forth between my mark and Hobi's, unable to form any words at the moment which is understandable.

"You have it too, don't you?" I ask him gently and he nods before his doe eyes look into mine, I see the question before he voices it and I answer it, "it's a soul mate mark."

"Soulmate mark?" Jimin repeats, he's confused and that's expected so I instruct Hoseok to pull him to the couch that is in the office so that I can explain everything Hoseok told me, to him.

I don't want to risk touching him yet.

After we've all sat down, Hoseok and I begin to explain the story of Aphrodite's seven to him. Hobi taking over when I forget some things.

At the end of that whole conversation, Jimin looks to be deep in thought which is understandable. We gave him a lot of information today so it's only fair to let him process it in his own terms.

"So, there's seven of us with this mark?" He asks after some time, Hobi and I nod in unison confirming what he just said. "Do you know who else has it?"

"Not really, no." Hobi answers and I nod to confirm that we don’t know anyone else with it.

Jimin looks to be in deep thought again before he says, "I guess this explains why all the relationships I've been in didn't feel right." He's talking to himself more than us, "it's a lot to take in." He says, looking between Hoseok and I.

According to his body language, it's  safe to assume that he's overwhelmed right now and the emotions in his eyes may be too much for him.

If he really does have DID then I can assume that he might switch personalities at any moment.

"I- I need to think." He says before he hurriedly gets up from the couch and out the door before Hoseok and I can stop him.

That went better than I expected honestly.

If you don't remember the story about Aphrodite's seven, please refer to chapter five-Hoseok for the slightly in depth explanation.

●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●If you don't remember the story about Aphrodite's seven, please refer to chapter five-Hoseok for the slightly in depth explanation

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