Rex's Choice

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Rex ran to the control center, his hands gripping Fives' blaster rifle. He couldn't stop the flood of emotion as he relieved Gregor's death over and over. He reached the door to the center and heard voices that sounded stressed. He pressed the button and the door slid open. He stepped in.

"Hera, where is..." his voice trailed off as someone in a ridiculous blue cloak whirled around and pointed two blasters at him. Rex blinked as he recognized them to be the same as he usually carried. To his surprise, the person was shaking, and a lot.

"Rex, can you reassure this half- crazed young man before he blasts us all to pieces?" Hera asked, her voice tinged with sarcasm and worry.

"Yeah." Rex replied, as he holstered his own blaster. "Where's Ezra?"

"He took off about 10 minutes ago." Sabine answered, her shoulders sagging. Rex must have looked confused because she added, "He's gone to negotiate with Thrawn." It took a moment before this impacted Rex. He stumbled against the wall, shock spilling across his face. Memories of Ezra poured into his mind, but he blocked them and forced himself to focus.

"Hera, we have to make sure nothing happens to him." he managed to say. "He's the only Jedi left."

"How is he the only Jedi?" a clone's voice asked. Rex jolted as he turned and stared at the blue- cloaked man. He could just barely see the clone's eyes, measuring him.

"Didn't you hear?" he retorted. "Never mind, we can discuss this later. Sabine, we lost Gregor and Melch. The rest are on their way up, prepared to jump when we have too." Sabine nodded, her eyes showing sadness and pain. Rex ignored the blue- cloaked clone as he flew into action, preparing for when Ezra came back and the Star Destroyers moved. He ran back to where the rest of the team was waiting.

"Chopper's going to control over here. Hera wants us to head up, and NOW!" Rex exclaimed. HondoOhnaka was the first one out, followed by a couple others. Rex came as last, his heart beating hard as he ran.

"Wolffe, what's the status?" he heard Hera asked as they slid into the control room.

"We're waiting up top." Wolffe's voice replied over the commlink. Rex blinked. The Star Destroyers were gone. The blue cloaked clone wasn't though.

"We have to get onto the top! Chopper's gonna start the timer!" Sabine's voice echoed through his head. He hesitated and began to move for the window, but then stopped. A battle raged inside of him.

'You don't know him, just leave him.' Rex's mind argued.

'But he's still my brother.' He answered.

'You don't have to do this!' his brain screamed.

'Shut up.' Rex growled as he ran and grabbing the clone's arm, dragged him up onto the top with him.

"Let me go!" shouted the clone as the Ghost dropped in front of them.

"Never." Rex replied steadily as he and Zeb both jumped, pulling the struggling clone with them. Behind them, the blast doors closed as the building began to rise. The destruction of the Imperial Capital Building was finally happening.

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