Start from the beginning

When we touched, it had been the most surreal thing in the world and none of the events that came next were appropriate for the place we were in.

We had looked at each other, frozen in shock before he had me pinned against the wall near the door and had his tongue down my throat.

The kiss was explosive and felt so right that I had concluded that every other person I've kissed sucked at it compared to him.

We kissed passionately and for a long time. Grinding against each other and moaning inside each others mouths.

I had fumbled with the lock behind me and we fucked for hours in my office before we realized that we were practically strangers.

We got to know each other throughout the night and when morning came, I finally saw his Violet mark on his right pec.

I showed him mine which was on my hip before I told him about the story about Aphrodite's seven.

At first he was skeptical about it until I asked him if he's ever seen two people with the same birth mark. One that looked like ours.

He believed me after some convincing and we've been together since then, still fucking any chance we get like horny teenagers.

It doesn't feel enough though because we are incomplete.

I had seen Jimin's mark about two weeks ago when he got really bold and wore short shorts to class.

He was dancing and I noticed an amethyst colored mark on his inner thigh. At first I thought it was a bruise until later during the class when he was doing his stretches, very suggestively might I add, and I saw that the mark looked like mine and Jin's.

I told Jin about it and he wanted me to touch him and test it but I can't risk my job like that.

I'm kidding, I could care less about this job, I'm just scared of being wrong.

It could be a tattoo, right? Right?

"No, Hobi. It's not just a tattoo." Jin says from his place on my desk. "How do you feel when you're around him?" He asks.

I think about it for a minute, I've never touched him before so it can't be the bond that causes the boner I always hide in class, so maybe I just find him attractive.

Who wouldn't though. He's easily ong the most beautiful men I've ever seen with his thick lips, pretty eyes, small waist, and that ass. God, his ass is everything.

"He's hot babe. Like really, smoking hot. But on some days, he's an adorable little angel. The cutest and sweetest person I've ever met. You never know with that guy." I tell him honestly. "His duality messes with my head. I want to fuck him hard and raw one minute and cradle him in my arms the next. It's insane."

I'm pretty sure Jin has seen that sinful disaster of a man around campus but didn't pay attention to him. I have to see all that ass everyday though.

Jin and I are very open with each other because we still have five more soulmates out there. It's only fair that we talk about our encounters with everyone, man or woman.

"So why won't you touch him, baby?" He asks, rolling his eyes when I look at him incredulously.

"Are you kidding me? Do you not remember what happened when we touched for the first time?" I ask him because he seems to have forgotten that he was a straight man before me.

"Okay, you have a point, but touch him babe. Or better, call him here and we can test it together." Jin suggests with a smirk, "Your boy might want me too."

"Our boy, babe." I correct him before I move to stand between his spread legs.

I put my arms around his neck, burying my hand in his hair before I pull him down for a kiss, moaning when his hands knead my butt.

We kiss for a while until a knock on the door forces us apart.

Jin grumbles his protests as I pull away from him, patting his hair down so he doesn't look disheveled, before heading to the door.

When I open it, I'm surprised to find a very timid Jimin standing there with his hands behind his back.

A smile creeps on my face as I look back at Jin, who is looking at Jimin with curiosity in his eyes.

"Come in, Jiminie."

Aren't they the cutest?

Aren't they the cutest?

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