Jungle Pool SOS!: Part 1

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Alexis's POV

Wait... Am I still in Japan... Or am I dreaming???

Here I am surrounded by tropical trees, standing in one spot with a confused look on my face. Since when was there a rainforest here? Last time I checked, Japan isn't really known for its tropical locales.

"Behold, Haruhi and Twelve!" Tamaki says from beside me and Haruhi as he places a hand on our shoulder. "Bask in the beauty of tropical birds! Aren't they breathtaking? I wonder what they're called," He then continues as sparkles appear around him.

I let out a sigh, not knowing what we were doing here in the first place. "Is there a reason why I'm here, to begin with?" I ask, mostly to myself.

"Uh, where was the exit, again?" Haruhi then asks.

Next thing you know, Tamaki is already relaxing and laying back on one of those beach chairs with a refreshing drink.

"Try to make the most of this downtime and just relax. We're so worrying about keeping our good looks day and night. We deserve a little vacation," The princely boy tells us. This only causes me to slump a little in annoyance.

"This does seem nice and all, but I wasn't expecting to actually go somewhere today," I say, thinking about all of the studying I need to do back at Haruhi's place. If I'm being honest, I don't know if I should call Haruhi's apartment my home yet. It wasn't my home, to begin with, but yet, now I'm living with her and her dad.

"We should really be studying, and I've got a ton of laundry to do today," Haruhi adds. As she says that, a pretty tropical bird flies by me. It astonishes me but also confuses me about where we are. No one has answered that question yet.

"By the way, where are we?" I question. I still remember what happened earlier today after school. It all happened so fast.

A little earlier: 3:38 PM

Haruhi and I were just leaving the school grounds. I had my book bag slung over my shoulder as we were conversing with each other, talking about what we are studying in school, until, all of a sudden, I feel someone grab me from underneath my arms and lift me up.

I freak out a bit as Haruhi and I are being held by who-knows-who, not knowing what's going on. For all I know, Haruhi is probably confused just as I am.



Oh, wait. I recognize those identical voices. But before I could turn around and see who exactly was holding onto me, a familiar-looking limo stops in front of us. The window of the car rolls down and reveals none other than... Tamaki.

He was wearing sunglasses, along with a flowered necklace hanging from his neck. I let out a small groan, knowing that he was planning on doing something.

"Good work. Now take them with you," The princely boy tells the Hitachiin brothers, who were holding onto me and Haruhi.

"Roger," The brothers say in unison. I only quirk an eyebrow up in confusion.

"Wait, what's going--" I didn't get the chance to finish because Tamaki already rolled up his car window. "Hold on. Where are we going?!" Haruhi then asks as Hikaru and Kaoru drag us away as they laugh while shrugging.

In the corner of my eye, I see my sister hovering there in the spot we were previously at. Hoping that she could help me, I give her puppy dog eyes.

"Sis! Please help!" I yell in her direction. She only shrugs and then slowly disappears from existence. My eyes widen at that. "You traitor!"

And that was the last I ever saw of my sister that day...

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