Secret Revealed

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Alexis's POV

It was already lunch time and I was walking out of my class. As I was, I was talking to myself in my thoughts.

Now that I'm part of that Host Club, will they soon find out about my past and what I've gone through in my times her in Japan. I really hope they don't. And even if they do find out, I hope they won't make a big deal out of it like how I saved that girl that one time. I don't know, I just--

My thoughts were then cut short when I bumped into something. Or more like someone.

I look up as I readjust the strap of my book bag and see a familiar face.

"Oh, hi, Twelve-chan," Haruhi says with a smile. I didn't think I would run into her on my way to the music room. I mean, we're both going to the same place, so I guess it's likely to run into someone you already know.

"Uh, Hi, Haruhi. Are you going to the music room?" I ask her as I slightly look away, hoping that she doesn't notice my look of sadness.

"Yes," She says, which I then let out a sigh of relief, knowing that she didn't notice at all. "Are you okay? You seem to be a bit distracted."

Great! Why do I always come out to be wrong?!

"Oh, uh... It's nothing. We should probably start heading to the music room," I quickly say before walking down the hallway, knowing that Haruhi is following behind me. But to my surprise, she wasn't.

"The music room is this way," I hear Haruhi say while pointing in the other direction. With that, I quickly do a 180 degree turn and walk in the correct direction.

"Right! Th-this way!" I say while speed walking, hoping that Haruhi could keep up with me. I could tell she was having trouble trying to keep up because I could hear her panting from beside me.

Slow down! Slow down! If you keep speeding up, she's going to think something's on my mind.

"Twelve-chan, slow down," I hear Haruhi tell me, which I cringe a little after hearing her call me by that name she and the rest of the club are calling me by. "Why are you rushing? We should take our time."

Great! Quick, make up an excuse!

"Sorry, I just want to get there just so that we don't have to be late, is all," I say as I continue to walk in the same face pace I was currently walking.

I also had my head low as I gripped onto the strap of my book bag. I would usually do that whenever I'm feeling really tense and am trying to keep something a secret from anyone around me. Now I was back in my own thoughts.

Just stop thinking about your past before things get worse. She's going to find out and I don't want that to happen because then she'll tell the rest of the club members about this and it won't look pretty. Just slow down your pace and calm down!

Because my head was low, I didn't even realize that Haruhi was now in front of me, which causes me to run into her. She has her hands now resting on my shoulders as my head still hung low, my bangs covering my blank eyes.

"Twelve-chan," I hear her say, which causes me to slightly look up at her. She was looking at me with a worried yet curious look. "If something's on your mind and you want to tell someone about it, you know you can, right?"

I know I can, but that'll be revealing my secret about my past.

I let out a sigh as I look back down.

"Yeah," I mumble, but also loud enough for her to hear.

"And you do know you can always talk to me, right?" She then asks me. And with that, I nod as a response.

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