The Sun, the Sea and the Host Club!: Part 1

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Alexis's POV

It's a hot day today... And do you know what that means???

Well, the Host Club already had some plans for today. I do remember saying that I wanted to go to the beach someday. I wasn't expecting that day to be this soon, but... We're going to the beach. It's been a while since I've last gone to one. I'm not packing a lot of things to take with me, even if we are staying at a reserved inn there. Heck, I'm not even bringing a swimsuit. As much as I love the beautiful ocean, I don't like swimming in one. I always liked playing in the sand, and away from the water.

Today, I am wearing a pink T-shirt with jean shorts and sandals. I was the first one to exit Haruhi's apartment. I had a bag filled with snacks slung over my shoulder as I start to walk down the stairs. As I was doing so, my sister appears beside me.

"Hey, sis. Are you excited for today?" Val asks me. I look in her direction and then think for a moment. "Yeah, I guess. It's been a while since we last went to the beach. Last time being when we lived in America," I state with a smile.

"That may be true, but you could get this chance to meet new people. Hey, you might even make new friends," My sister then says, getting my attention. By now, we already made it to the bottom of the stairs.

"I don't know. You saw how long it took to get used to the Host Club boys. I don't think it'll make much of a difference when it comes to meeting people I don't know. Especially when it comes to boys," I grumble the last part to myself, but my sister was still able to hear me say that.

"But who knows. There could be a possibility that you'll find a boy that you'll like in the future," My sister brought up. I had to stop myself from gagging as we both stood on the side of the sidewalk. Well, it was more like me, Val was hovering.

"I don't even want to think about getting a boyfriend yet, Sis. I don't think I'll ever be ready for that. Besides, it'll probably take a miracle for me to fall in love with someone," I tell my sister.

But before I could continue, I feel something bump into my left leg. I look down and see a soccer ball now bouncing a few inches away from me after it ran into me. I was confused because I don't know how this got here. Unless...

"Oh, hey! Sorry about that!" I hear an unfamiliar voice yell in my direction. With curiosity, I look in the direction I heard the voice and see a... A boy with short, light blue hair and light blue eyes. He also looked to be around my age. But he wasn't the only boy there. A few other boys were standing a farther distance, which I assume are his friends. But looking back to the boy...

My eyes widen a bit at the sight of him. My, God! Is it hot out here, or is it just me? I mean, it is a hot day, after all. I quickly shake my head, snapping myself out of my thoughts. "Oh, that's okay," I say as I look at the soccer ball, which was only a few inches away from me. Without really thinking, I go over to it and kick the soccer ball back towards him.

As the ball was rolling toward him, he tips his foot down, causing the ball to go on top of it. He then kicks the tip of his foot up, also causing the ball to launch up and land in his hands. He looks in my direction with a warm smile.

"Thanks. My name is Kaito Hiroshi. Sorry again about earlier. Me and my friends weren't really paying attention to our surroundings," The boy, which I now know is Kaito Hiroshi, tells me. Still slightly nervous, I smile back, not knowing what else to do.

 Still slightly nervous, I smile back, not knowing what else to do

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