The Child Prodigy?

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3rd POV

"The what?" The young brownette girl asked in confusion.

"That's right! The Child Prodigy type would most definitely fit you, Twelve-chan!" Honey-Senpai said with a bright smile while hugging his pink bunny. But this still confuses the girl.

"But how is that supposed to help with making girls happy?" Alexis then asks the members.

"It's very simple. Because you are a young girl who is attending to a high school, you have some part of your cute self still with you," Renge tells Alexis as she points her finger at her.

This makes Alexis to blush a tint of red on her cheeks after hearing that. And once she noticed she was blushing, she uses her hand to cover her heated cheeks and turns away a little.

"I... I'm cute?" She practically mumbles, but the Host Club members were still able to hear her.

"Of course, you are. That is why we are asking of you to join our club," Tamaki says to Alexis while holding his hand out towards her. Alexis didn't know what to say. She was completely speechless.

Haruhi then walks up and speaks.

"But like I said before, we aren't forcing you to join us. You do whatever makes you happy as well," Haruhi tells Alexis.

Alexis stops and thinks. It's been hard trying to find a way to be happy. Especially ever since her family died.

She takes a deep breath, and then looks up at everyone else.

"I'll think about it tonight, and then I'll come back here tomorrow if I decide to join," Alexis tells the club members.

Tamaki then clasps his hands together.

"Excellent! Until then, take care," He says as he bows in a princely manner. With that said, Alexis turns around and walks towards the exit door of the music room.

Once she left the room and was now walking down the hallway, this left the rest of the Host Club to talk about what they are doing.

"Do you think she will accept?" The twins ask.

"It's hard to say," Tamaki says as he rests his hand against his chin. "She isn't like any other girl I've seen. She seems different than everyone else."

"Do you think she acts like this back at her home?" Honey-Senpai asks while looking up at Mori.

"Who knows what she does," Mori answers.

After a bit of silence, Tamaki smirks at an idea that he has thought of in his head. Haruhi sees this and instantly knew what he was thinking.

"Senpai, don't you even think about--"

"Why don't we have someone follow Twelve-chan to her house and see what she does for the rest of the day?!" Tamaki announces, cutting off Haruhi before she could finish.

"How did I know you were going to pull a stunt like that?" Haruhi then asks herself with an irk mark on her head.

"But, wouldn't that be considered as spying, Tamaki?" Kyoya asks him. Tamaki then flinches a bit and then starts to get a little nervous.

"O-of course not! It's just a way to get to know our new club member a little more," Tamaki says with a sweat drop while scratching the back of his neck.

"But she isn't even part of our club yet," The twins says with a shrug. Out of nowhere, Tamaki points his finger towards them, catching them off guard.

"Hikaru, Kaoru! You two follow her and be sure she doesn't spot you!" Tamaki orders them with a stern look.

"Why are you having us do it?" They then ask their club president.

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