The Twins Fight!: Part 1

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A/n: Hey, guys. Just a quick author's note. I just want to say thank you all for reading this story and I hope that you're enjoying this book. Now these chapters are going to go along with the episodes from the series, and I may add a few things to them here and there. Thanks and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Alexis's POV

It's already been a week since I joined the Host Club, and I guess you can say that things are starting to get better. I'm starting to get used to being a Host Club member, but I still need a little bit more time to be completely used to it. So far all I have to do is act cute in front of the girls and... it's as if they fall in love with my cuteness.

Man, who knew that girls here could be so bisexual. Not that I have a thing against that, it's just that I didn't think I was even cute to begin with. (A/N: I hope that wasn't offensive. I have nothing against them at all.)

I'm starting to open up to the others a little more. They're expecting me to not keep anymore secrets from them. I am trying to not keep secrets from them anymore, I mean, I already have told them one secret that haunted me for a while.

But there is still one secret I haven't told them yet. And I don't know whether I should tell them or not.

Anyway, back to the topic, the members are trying to help me with the whole living in that old apartment alone situation. They insisted that I should move out and live somewhere else. And no matter how hard I begged them to not have me do that, there was no getting out of this.

Haruhi even said I could move in with her and her dad. I didn't want to be a bother and tried respectfully declining, but she said that it was alright.

So now, here I am walking to the music room as I grip onto the strap of my book bag that is hanging from my right shoulder. I was deep in thought, thinking about this whole thing of moving in with Haruhi. I mean, I really don't want to be a bother, but if she's okay with it, I guess there's no problem with it.

As I make it to the music room, I was about to enter through the familiar looking door, but stop when, in the corner of my eye, I see Haruhi in the distance not that far from me. I look at her and think that I should tell her about my opinion on her offer of moving in with her.

I mean, she does want me to talk to someone if something was ever on my mind. And it's not like I haven't gone up to her before and talked to her about it.

So I guess now could be another chance to talk with her, to open up more.

As I grip onto the strap of my book bag tighter, I walk over to Haruhi just as she was getting closer to the music room.

"Hey, Haruhi," I greet her, making her to look down at me with a smile.

"Hi, Twelve-chan," Haruhi greets me. Now, I don't ever cringe after hearing her and the rest of the Host Club members calling me by that nickname because I'm starting to get used to it. I actually don't think it's a bad name. I actually like it!

"Is something on your mind?" Haruhi's voice then breaks me from my thoughts, remembering that she was standing there.

"Uh, yeah. It's just about the whole moving in with you offer you gave me. I guess I don't want to feel like I'm using you for shelter or anything," I say as I look away from her gaze while scratching the back on my neck.

I then hear Haruhi slightly laugh as she smiles down at me.

"Twelve-chan. I already told you that it's fine if you move in with me. I already told my dad about this and he's fine with it. He even wants to meet you today after school," She tells me.

Bloom! (Ouran Highschool Host Club Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang