·₊̣̇. ⊱ Complicated Aftermath. ⊰·₊̣̇.

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I grasp onto my chemistry binder, hurrying into my science classroom. I couldn't help but stay up all night thinking about the kiss on monday. What'll happen the next time there's an akuma attack? I should've known better. I burst through the door of Mrs. Mendeleiev's classroom causing everyone's eyes to fall on me.

"You're late, Ms. Dupain-Chang. Take a seat and don't let it happen again." Mrs. Mendeleiev huffed as I tried catching my breath. I scurried to my seat next to Alya with a heavy sigh.

"Girl, are you okay? You look like you haven't slept in years." Alya whispered in my ear while I pulled out my notebook to take notes. I hesitated to answer her, gulping down all my panic.
"Me and Chat kissed." I forced the words out before I could change my mind or turn back.

"WHAT?!" The startled heads of our classmates quickly turned out of curiosity in me and Alya's direction. I sank down in my seat, covering my face with my hands out of embarrassment.

"Marinette and Alya, what is so important to you that gives you the need to disrupt my class?" Mrs. Mendeleiev turned toward us with a rageful frown.
Me and Alya made eye contact in hopes of some sort of telepathy to arise from within us so we can figure out what to say. No response we could stir up would be able to navigate us out of the trip to the principal's office though, so there was no reason to even bother trying.

"Marinette's cat died." Alya trembled and nudged my foot as an indication to play along.

"Yeah.. I loved my cat so much." I added a whir of sorrow into my voice to make my sadness sound realistic. I've never even had a cat! Well.. If Chat Noir counts then I guess I have one.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry.. What was its name?" Mrs. Mendeleiev's tone went from sounding uptight to lighthearted in a split second as I search for a good answer.

"Chat Noir."

I know I did NOT just say that. I'm doomed, I'm literally DOOMED. I seriously need to stop thinking about him.
Adrien turned his head with his eyes lit up, "You named your cat Chat Noir?" He beamed with a dumb smile as I cringed at my own answer.
"Yes, yes I did." I proudly stated as Alya bit her lip to prevent her laughter from escaping.

"I am so sorry that Chat Noir died. I will keep him in my prayers." My science teacher shed a tear as she straightened her papers.
I'm a terrible person.

"To distract us from this tragic event, I will now assign you guys your next science project on how to create an explosion only using 3 chemicals. You will be making a poster with your partner on which chemicals you think can make the explosion and why you think so. You may pick your own partners. You have a week and a half to complete this step then we will move on to the second part." She announced, pushing up her glasses while everyone began to cling onto their friends arms.

"Mari, I thought you liked Adrien?" She held my shoulders, slightly shaking me in hopes of an answer.

"I did too but.. last night brought out how I actually feel. Alya, what am I gonna do?" I quivered while placing my head on her chest out of stress.

"I don't know, hun. Do you think you're just in shock or do you think you actually like him?" She ran her fingers through my hair which brought me comfort. Alya is my platonic soulmate, she's my world. I don't know what'd I do without her. Do I actually like him? I mean.. my chest gets hot and my heart tightens when I see him. The way every little detail about him is engraved in my mind really demonstrates my feelings for him.

"I like him." The dismissal bell rang before a response from her could even form.

"We'll talk later, I'm going to Nino's house." She picked up her bag and approached her boyfriend with a beaming smile. I sighed, examining the nearly empty room for a partner.

"Hey Mari, you need a partner?" Adrien tapped my shoulder, I nodded with a small smile. We began to walk out of the isolating building and toward my house.
"Are you alright? You look more tired than usual." He shot me a concerned glance as I slightly heated up. Why do men do this to me??

"I'm alright, I've just had a long past 2 days." I confessed which makes his expression shift to an understanding sort of look.
"I feel you on that." He sighed, fidgeting with his ring.
"How so?"
"I ruined my friendship with a girl I really like." I paused, stopping myself from walking and turned to him.

"That makes the two of us, what's your situation?" I crossed my arms as he licked his lips while we picked up our pace.

"I kissed my best friend and we haven't talked since." He scoffed at himself in disappointment as I let out a "Wait same" causing him to raise a brow.

"Huh, we have a lot in common." I open my bakery's door, whiffing the aroma of freshly baked goods. We made our way up my staircase and entered my bedroom through the top floor's latch. I pulled out my laptop, clicking through tabs to pull up the Google doc for our project.
"We have a week to complete the project, why don't we just hang out for a while?" I closed my computer and smiled at him.

"Sure!" He happily exclaims, plopping his backpack onto my coat rack. We begin to talk about our lives and opinions on school drama but a buzz from both of our phone's disrupts us. We both pause our talking and look at each other, puzzled. We pull out our phones to see an announcement from the news.

"Hello citizens of Paris! It has been nearly 3 years since Ladybug and Chat Noir began serving for our community so to thank them on their anniversary, city hall is holding an event to honor their work this friday! Ladybug and Chat Noir, if you're watching this the celebration will be at the Bourgeois Hotel in the dining hall and we encourage you to bring the rest of your super-team! Dress up if you can as you will be accompanied by the mayor and his daughter!"

"Shit." Both me and Adrien groaned at the same time.

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