Joyce turned away as Sam injected Dean roughly with another syringe. Dean screamed, groaning as he tried to fight the blood. She looked to Sam and shook her head no.

"Let me ask you this, Sammy. If this doesn't work, we both know what you got to do to me, right? You got the stomach for that, Sam?!"

Joyce walked towards Dean and revealed the holy water flask to his eyes. Dean stared back at her bitterly as she teased to pull the lid.

"What about you, Joyce? Huh? Hell, you felt so bad after Sammy saved your life, and you were so scared because you thought that boy was going to come look for you. Your ex, right? What was it light, being tortured with no voice? No way to scream for help. You just get to suffer."

Joyce pulled the lid and poured the homy water on his face. The demon screamed as his skin burned, the sizzling of the water ringing in her ears. Sam grabbed her wrist and pulled her from him, taking the flask.

The man pulled her out of the room and shook his head. "I could be killing him."

"The lore doesn't go into any details—"
"I know, I know." Sam said. "I'm gonna call Cass. Um, would it be too much to ask you to grab the exorcism book? I left it on the table."

"Sam, exorcisms aren't going to work on him. He isn't necessarily possessed."

"No, I know." He sighed. "I just want to see one more thing."

Joyce nodded as she turned to walk towards the main room.


The woman turned around.

"Don't listen to him."

The woman forced a smile as she held a thumbs up.

Sam entered the room as she left, watching as Dean lifted his head weakly.

"I should have told her who murdered her mommy." Dean said. "It's a sad story, if you think about it. Loses her dad and her voice to a Windigo, she gets abused by her boyfriend, and then the King of Hell kills her mom."

Sam stared at him. "Crowley killed her mother?"
"Don't act so surprised, Sammy."

He clenched his jaw.

"Joyce has no one. Except you. But that's going to change when I kill you both."

Sam nodded his head as he grabbed one more syringe, before injecting his brother in the arm.

When Joyce walked into the main room of the bunker, she realized the table was free of anything. There were no books left around.

She turned around once she heard approaching footsteps. Sam appeared, taking a deep breath.

"Where's the book?"

"I— I lied." Sam sighed. "Look, Joyce, Dean is right. I mean, I dragged you into all of this. You shouldn't be here fighting my own battles."

Joyce shook her head. "I'm not staying because I feel bad. Not just that, anyway. I want to help you, Sam. I don't want you to have to do this alone."

Sam smiled. "I know. But I don't want you getting hurt."

The woman squinted her eyes as she stepped forward and touched his injured arm. The man chuckled, watching as she pointed at her bruised, busted lip.

"All right, worse than this." He said. "You don't deserve any more pain."

Joyce's eyebrows knitted together. "Are you trying to get rid of me?"

"I just want you to know what you're getting yourself into." He responded quickly.

"He wasn't wrong." She said. "I don't have anyone."

Sam shook his head. "No, you do. You've got me."

His empathetic eyes caused her heart to swell, and a warmth spread through the pit of her stomach.

"All right," he cleared his throat. "Cass should be on his way, I've got another bag to give him."

"What can I do?"

"Wait for Cass to get here." Sam said as he grabbed another blood bag.

Sam walked down the hallway towards the room, stopping outside of the door. There was nothing but an eerie silence.

He looked into the room, and his breathing stopped.

Dean was gone.

Mute 𖤐 Sam Winchester Where stories live. Discover now