38. Jesper

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A/N: Ladies and gentlemen and everyone in between, I present to you, the CLIMAX of the story! Don't worry, we still have ages to go, but I am about to put you through the most mind-boggling, angsty, fictional roller coaster you have ever been on. Buckle up, people, buckle up. And enjoy! :)

 If the other floors had been dark, then this one was the centre of midnight. It was so dark that most of the lantern's weak beam was consumed in its devouring hues. The place clearly hadn't been used in a while, yet the padlock looked brand-new. It only gave Jesper more hope and worry as he dashed forward... and nearly fell down the staircase.

"Watch it, you oaf!" Nina hissed, having grabbed his arm just in time. But Jesper had already grabbed Inej's lantern and was practically flying down the stairs, reaching the bottom to find that the whole room was one big cell. The stairwell opened up and led to a few feet of viewing space before the iron teeth of the prison jutted out of the ground. And there, in the corner of the cell, lay a huddled, shivering figure sporting an unruly mop of bright orange and blonde curls.


"Wylan!" Jesper yelled, dropping the lantern on the floor and running to the bars. Wylan didn't stir, and Jesper could see his wrists covered in heavy shackles. Jesper tried to break the bars, but he couldn't concentrate on his power long enough for them to move.

"Move, Jesper!" A familiar voice barked. Kaz shoved his way forward, picking the lock to the cell door and letting it swing open. Jesper was at Wylan in seconds, checking him for injuries, trying and failing to loosen his shackles, but most of all he was thanking and praying to whatever Saintly crap Inej believed in, because Wylan was here now.

"Nina, is he alive?" Jesper asked urgently, but Nina was already wiping tears away from her face.

"He's fine, he's breathing." She muttered.

By this time Kaz had unlocked both shackles and Wylan slumped forward into Jesper's arms, who just hugged him, savouring every little detail he had been afraid he would forget. The softness of Wylan's curls, the way his head fit perfectly on Jesper's shoulder, his deeply routed smell of ink and meadows. But most of all, he savoured Wylan's wobbly heartbeat, weak from the cold but still there.

"J... Jesper?" A timid voice spoke. Jesper looked down to see two sky-blue eyes staring weakly back up at him, but it was the best image in the world.

"Wylan, it's ok. We're here now, we're gonna get you out. Just hold on. Did one of the guards hurt you or-"

Slap! Jesper felt the searing pain right after some of his shock had subsided. A red mark ran strong against the cheek that Wylan had slapped.

"Wha- what was that for?" Jesper said indignantly, before noticing Wylan had wriggled out of his arms and was aiming a deathly glare at him. No, not just him; all of them.

"'What was that for?'! I'll tell you what that was for. That was for abandoning me to my father, for not defending me, for letting my fa- Van Eck take me and for not killing me when you had the chance!" Wylan shrieked before he broke down sobbing.

"Look, Wylan-" Kaz started.

"NO! You of all people don't get to talk to me, Dirtyhands. I already saved your life and you were supposed to do the same, that's what family do! Ghezen, I can't believe I actually trusted you people. I can't believe I actually thought... I actually thought you guys cared."

Inej stepped forward. "We do care Wylan, or we wouldn't be here. We're here to rescue you, and take you home!"

"No!" Wylan shook his head, drying his tears on his mangled sleeve. "I have no home. I'll come out with you guys and then we're even. You will give me back the money you took from my pockets when you kidnapped me and I'll take the next boat to Ravka so I never have to be in this cursed city again!"

The Love of a Crow - Wesper/Crows Fanfiction/AUUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum