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A/N: Happy New Year Everyone! I'm sure this one will be just as eventful as the last, and whether that's good or bad, I still don't know! As I said, things are only going to get chaotic from here, and maybe I've overdone it, but who cares? I'm the only one reading this anyway! enjoy!

Jesper had never been one for emotions. Anger was sometimes useful, apart from when it came from Kaz Brekker's mouth. Crying was a definite no-no. Greed was what got him broker than he already was every night, but that could be interpreted to both good and bad.

Vanity. Greed. Lust. Those were his pillars, the dirty, twisted way in which he lived by.

But seeing Wylan looking so determined in the thick of danger, curls ruffled yet perfect, cheeks flushed at the attention, eyes gleaming and mouth set in a firm line, well... it had awoken something in him. Something he had felt when he watched his mother walk out the front door for the very last time. Something he felt when he left after a visit with his da, and lied to his face. Something he felt every time a bullet grazed Kaz or Inej's shoulder.

But there was something else there too. A very different kind of emotion. A feeling that sent his heart reeling, his mind hoping and imagining so many scenarios in his head. A kind of emotion he didn't want to lose, ever. And they all revolved around this boy. Wylan. So willing to help. So willing to get himself blown up.

I can diffuse it!" Wylan had said, eyes burning with something Jesper had never seen before. All eyes turned to him. "I can do it."

Jesper shook his head vehemently. "No way, merchling. I admire your narcissism, but this is a Grisha bomb we're talking about. It's not worth the risk. We can get everyone out in time!" But could they? What if this was the only way? Why did it have to be Wylan?

"No you can't! Kaz, let me do this! If all else fails, you'll all be far enough away that you should be safe."

Jesper whispered something beneath his breath. "But how will we feel safe if you're not there?" He had murmured, praying nobody had heard it; they would never let him live it down.

Kaz looked at Wylan. "You really think you can do it?"

Wylan nodded. Kaz stared at him with something Jesper had rarely seen in him. He trusted Wylan... Jesper pushed down his hurt, remembering what was at stake.

"Jesper, Nina, get him through the crowd then leave through the two side exits. We'll lead the Scales out of the Exchange. Wylan-" he turned to him, his face a mask of seriousness. "I don't care what happens. Get out as fast as you can. Or I'll have Matthias come and pummel you with a stick. Are we clear?"

"Yes, Kaz." Wylan whispered, not knowing that Jesper would also be joining Matthias in this stick-pummelling situation if Wylan got himself blown up.

"No mourners,"

"No funerals." The rest replied, not including Wylan, who just stared at them, lost. If their lives weren't at risk Jesper might have laughed at his face. Though, it had never stopped him before.

They had sprinted forward, darting past whizzing bullets, but Jesper barely took notice, too enraptured in the golden curls in front of him, dragging him on, giving him a reason to gun down man after man.

Finally they made it, and Nina bid farewell. That lef Jesper and Wylan, who set to work immediately, studying the bomb like a piece of paper. There was no way he could leave this boy to die. He couldn't let the world get rid of something that perfect.

"So, what are we doing?" He asked eagerly.

"Go away Jesper! You can't be here!"

"Since when did you become in charge?"

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