9. Jesper

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A/N: We've got a long and wacky one coming up here, so please excuse any of the strange things that are about to occur. I thought they were cool at the time, but who am I to judge? Enjoy ☺️ 

  "Why are we here again?" Jesper droned, leaning against the railing of the small mezzanine overlooking the Pit. Matthias was down there, firing blows at nothing. Wylan, to Jesper's alarming annoyance, was also there, clutching his water cup, sweat dripping down his face.

"To be supportive!" Nina argued, the very picture of a cheerleader watching a game rather than a fight.

"Right, and who will you be cheering on? Your lover or your son?" Jesper remarked, grinning as Nina gave him a killing look.

"Wylan, obviously. Matthais has the advantage of... well... everything."

"For once we agree on something." Jesper rolled his eyes, letting them drift to Kaz instead. His boss was standing to attention next to him, eyes slowly taking in the dusty Crow Pit that he had built. Both their gazes were diverted as a shadow swung down from a rafter, flipping and spinning until it landed easily next to Wylan, who spilt half his drink in surprise. She patted his shoulder, whispering a few words in his ear that gave Wylan a weak smile, a new bead of sweat appearing on his forehead. Then she leapt up onto the wall again, jumping and swinging until she had returned to the darkness.

Kaz watched this almost eagerly and, Jesper observed, a small muscle twitched on his jaw, sliding up into sharp cheekbones and a long-ago healed scar. Jesper looked away.

He had once wished Kaz would look at him like that. The way he looked at Inej. Now he didn't know what to think. The Crows were his only family that he dared associate with, but Kaz... he could make anyone feel like an outsider. Especially Jesper. It was a constant reminder that he was alone, and had no one to lean on, let alone love. That was the cruel world he was used to.

"Cheer up," a voice chirped from behind him. "You look like the cat who jumped for the cream and fell off a cliff instead!"

"Thanks for that lovely analysis!" Jesper said sarcastically, ignoring Nina and turning back to the Pit. "Are they going to start anytime soon?"

As if they had heard Matthias stepped into the Pit, lowering his head to salute Wylan. Wylan did the same, his hands shaking so much his whole body shuddered.

Immediately Matthias lunged, clearly eager to end this fight quickly, and with the least bruises on his opponent possible. Wylan started, seemingly forgetting all the technique he had just been practicing with Inej for the last couple of days. For once Jesper felt sorry for the boy.

Wylan tripped backwards as Matthias landed a blow on his shoulder, barely catching himself before Matthias lunged again. This time he seemed to focus, dodging and running to the opposite side, giving him room to work with. The two boys smashed together, merging into one ball of fists and kicks and yowls of pain. Nina began to yell, screaming at Wylan to beat the Fjerdan's ass. Kaz remained silent, but even Jesper could feel the thick layer of tension surrounding him and his keen gaze. This wasn't just a sparing match anymore; this was a type of initiation.

Suddenly the boys separated, and Jesper gasped as Wylan jumped in the air, barely avoiding a fist that almost made contact with his leg. His other leg darted forwards, landing a direct blow to the centre of Matthias' chest. Matthias cried out as he was flung backwards, mouth gaping for breath as he was winded. Any normal man would have fallen to the ground with a few broken ribs. Not Matthias.

The Fjerden smiled a sickening grin that reminded Jesper they were in the Barrel, not a fancy fighting arena. Wylan was barely done recovering from his jump when he ducked to avoid a fist, then another, then another. Matthias left no room for attack, no pocket of space where Wylan could do anything but avoid.

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