41. Kaz

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A/N: I feel an ending is drawing near! Keep in mind this is the SECOND to last chapter (I'm pretty sure, I can't count so...). Now here is my challenge; how many people can I kill off in the final chapters? Well, we shall see, hehehe... enjoy! >:)

  Business was business. Time wouldn't stop in the Barrel; certainly not for a misfit gang like his, and Kaz didn't have enough Time to figure out a solution to keep Wylan out of the rich talons of Van Eck.

It was his idea, it was his idea, Kaz recited as he watched the carriage roll away. It was his idea.

It wasn't like he was lying to himself. Wylan had been the one to bring it up whilst Jesper was still recovering. Kaz had merely been passing through the corridor, making sure no nosy Dregs disturbed Jesper's peace, but he could have spotted Wylan's unruly mop of hair from a mile away. He had been crouched on the end of a chair, clutching a sleeping Jesper's hand, gaze never leaving his pale face, as if he would disappear. The boy clearly needed sleep, but Inej had told Kaz that any suggestion of the sort had been promptly refused.

"He's not going anywhere, you know." Kaz started as he marched into the room. He didn't look at Jesper... he couldn't.

"Someone has to stay with him in case he wakes up." Wylan murmured determidly, head lolling slightly as he spoke.

"Fine. If he does wake up, tell him he needs to stop throwing himself in front of bullets." He started to leave.

"Kaz? Can you... can you find out when the next boat to Ravka leaves?"

"Fancy a holiday, Wylan?" Kaz said tartly.

"No, um, I still need to leave." Wylan whispered, but panicked when he saw Kaz's face. "It's not that I don't want to stay, but my father will find out I'm alive and where else would he think I went? If I leave now then we still have a chance."

Kaz wanted to tell Wylan to stop talking crap, but the boy had a point. Van Eck wasn't stupid, and though Kaz had been distracted with Jesper's... injury, doubts had been nagging at his brain like ravenous maggots. But sending his demo man away? It felt too drastic.

"I don't think I can do that, kid." Kaz muttered. Wylan remained indignant.

"If you don't tell me about the boats then I'll find someone that can, and do you really want the most recognisable, illiterate man wandering the streets around the Crow Club?"

Stunned, Kaz held back his laugh. Wylan certainly was stubborn when he wanted to be. He reminded Kaz of someone, though he couldn't put his finger on who. Soon those thoughts vanished as he comprehended what Wylan was demanding. He was about to lose his demo man... no. He was about to lose a Crow. Still, better a bird on a different tree than a bird with a broken wing.

"Look, if you won't do this for me, do it for Jes, ok?" Wylan continued. "This way there is less of a chance he gets shot in the other shoulder."

"Fine. The next boat leaves in two weeks." Kaz lied. The next boat left tomorrow, but Wylan had made some good points; he would think about Jesper. This was the one thing he could give him.

Now, as the carriage finally turned round a corner Kaz thought the weight on his chest would dissipate, but it only got worse. And it seemed he wasn't the only one affected by it.

Jesper was still staring at the spot the carriage had been, emotionless other than his shadowed eyes.

"Tell me we made the right choice." He eventually said without looking up. "Tell me this is for the best, that he'll be happier in Ravka. Tell me he'll be safe."

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