2. Matthias

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  "And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you never take me on a mission without feeding me first!" Nina huffed triumphantly.

The Crows were sat in one of the private rooms of the Crow Club; him, Nina and Inej lounging on the chairs whilst Kaz paced back and forth.

"Kaz." Inej said warningly.

Kaz paused, looked up at her, before continuing to pace.

It just proves he really does have a permanent death wish, Matthias thought, rolling his eyes.

"If you're really that worried about this target of yours then you should have just sent me!" Piped up Nina, flicking her auburn curls behind her. "I can get things done quicker than any bullet."

"No offence, Nina, but a tall, feminine Heartrender dressed in all red going round on the streets of Ketterdam killing people isn't exactly very subtle." Kaz growled.

Nina snorted. "What, do you think Jesper's any better? Have you seen what clothes he wears?"

This drew a giggle from Inej, which then caused Kaz to stop, before continuing to pace again.

 "They're right, you know." Matthias finally spoke. "Impatience never helped anyone."

"Oh, so what would you be doing in my situation right now, bowing before a tree?"

"Someone's getting an-gry!" Nina drawled. Kaz tutted and flopped down in an armchair facing the empty fireplace.

Matthias hated to admit it, but even he was starting to get anxious. His portion of one million kruge would be enough to clear all of his debts and buy passage to the farthest corner of the earth he could find. And not just one ticket.

He glanced over at Nina, fiddling with her nails, humming softly as she tapped her boot against the floor. Right then, in that moment, she was perfect. Djel be damned, she was more than perfect. She was a part of him now, like the crackling frost of Fjerda, and the lonesome howl of wolves.

Then his mind returned to Jesper. If anything had happened to the boy... well, he and Kaz would have a field day burning down the streets of the Djel-forsaken city. As much as he hated to admit it, Matthias had begun to look at Jesper and Kaz as brothers, even if he knew this notion would never be returned. Inej was like a calm, kind older sister and Nina... she was so much more than that. He couldn't imagine needing anyone else in his life other than those four.

That was when the door burst open, and Jesper staggered in.

Once everyone had lowered their weapons and Nina had raised his heartbeat back to normal, Jesper strode through the doorway, an unreadable expression on his face. That was when Matthias noticed the boy slung across his shoulder. 

  "Saints, Jesper. I didn't expect you to bring him here!" Exclaimed Kaz, though Matthias could sense the relief in his voice.

Jesper dropped the boy on the floor, stepped over him and reclined on one of the sofas. "There was a slight problem."

Kaz eyed him suspiciously, then he walked slowly towards the boy until he was standing directly above him. He kicked the corpse sharply on the shoulder.

And the corpse breathed. 


Inej had seen and felt many miracles in her lifetime.

Like the fact she survived the first time she fell off a tightrope. Like the moment she heard a Sun Summoner had graced the world, even if it was all the way in Ravka. Like the first time she had made Kaz Brekker, DirtyHands and Bastard of the Barrel smile.

The Love of a Crow - Wesper/Crows Fanfiction/AUKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat