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Inej had seen death before. She had wielded it as a weapon, become its slave, let it use her and worked her until she was a part of it's darkness. So she couldn't help but feel relieved when she arrived at the cell and Wylan was still breathing.

"We need to talk. Now." She said, already predicting the protest she would receive from Kaz. But, surprisingly he followed. Only when they were out of earshot did Kaz finally speak up.

"May I ask why you are interrupting my work, Wraith?"

"There's been a development."

Inej didn't bother retelling the tale of how she'd snuck back to the tannery, demanding to know everything and anything about the budding young red-head recently missing. She didn't need to explain how she had crept to the Van Eck mansion and witnessed him with his new wife. Or how she had managed to slip through a window and explore Wylan Van Eck's bedroom. Because Kaz didn't care about that. He only liked direct facts, and she knew none of the story above would surprise him.

"I think we can use him." She said determinedly.

Kaz raised his eyebrows. "How so?"

So she explained what she had discovered, not bothering to mention anything unimportant, as Dirtyhand's time was, as usual, precious.

By the end Kaz was wearing his scheming face, and that either meant something very good or very bad was about to happen.

"So? Are you still going to kill him?"

Kaz left her curious for another moment before replying. "Do you want me to kill him?"

Inej thought about the question, trying to ignore the pounding in her heart at the fact he had actually asked it. She stared past him where she could just see the top of Wylan's furry head, the way his head tilted with fatigue. He was still so young, so innocent to the world. And if Van Eck couldn't protect him, then why couldn't the Bastard of the Barrel instead?

"No." She whispered.

"Ok then." He leant against the wall, sighing. "Saints, you cost me a fortune, Wraith."

She smiled. "I wouldn't have it any other way." Before slipping into the shadows.


Wylan Van Eck had been kidnapped before.

He barely remembered anything, partly because of his age, and partly because of the massive dent they had attempted to leave in his skull whilst kidnapping him at the park.

His mother had apparently been worried for days, and had fiddled with her dress so much the stitching came undone. He remembered being trapped in a dark room with one blaring fire coming from the opposite side of the room, which he now knew must have been an Inferni. He remembered silent sobs dripping out of him in a sorry attempt to stay quiet. Then he remembered a strange dream, where his father was looming over him, a grim frown on his face, as if Wylan had just tracked mud into the house.

Now, thinking back, Wylan couldn't remember if that was a dream or not. All he remembered was that he had been rescued the very same hour of the very same day. That was the last time he had gone to the park. In fact, that was one of the last times he went anywhere outside.

From what he remembered from his time behind bars he was not supposed to be treated kindly by his assasinaters. Nor was he supposed to be hand-fed waffles by a kind lady in a red dress.

"Come on," she said gently. "You have to eat something! We can't have you starving on us the very first day you arrive!"

Wylan shook his head, that familiar fear rising in him again. The very first day?! Would they really prolong his torture for that long? Even after his request?

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