Chapter 13

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Mark dropped me off and offered to stay with me, but I told him to go home. I walked inside closing the door behind me. I tried to calm myself, so I didn't break down in front of the kids. I grabbed my phone and called my nanny to see if she can watch the kids. After getting a reply from the nanny, I went upstairs to start packing the kid's bags. I walked in to see Mi-Kyong getting ready for bed. "Don't get in the bed, go put on your shoes and get ready to leave" I said stopping her. 

Mi-Kyong looks at me confused, "Where are we going mommy?". I grabbed her bag from her closet shelf and start putting clothes inside. "You and Koeun are going to stay with Rachel your nanny". "But why do we have to go this late?". "Because me and your daddy have to do something for the house" I lied so she would stop asking more questions. "Okay" Mi-Kyong says and grabs her shoes putting them on. I zipped up her bag before heading into Koeun's nursery and grabbing a couple of his things and placing them in a bag. 

I grabbed the bag putting them on my shoulder and picked up Koeun who was still sleeping. "Come on Mi-Kyong" I said, and she followed behind me as we walked down the stairs. I saw Jaehyun standing a few feet away from the bottom of the steps. "Daddy" Mi-Kyong says before running up to him. "Mi-Kyong" I call out and she turns to look at me before having a sad look on her face. "Where are you going with the kids?" Jaehyun asks coming closer to me. I put my hand up stopping him from coming any closer. "We are going with Rachel" Mi-Kyong says smiling proudly. "I thought it was best to have them go instead of witnessing all this" I said, and he nodded agreeing. 

I walked to the front door and saw Rachel standing outside. I thanked her for being able to watch the kids as I handed Koeun over to her carefully trying not to wake him. Rachel smiles telling me that it wasn't a problem. I watch as they all head to her car, I smiled and walked back inside the house closing the door behind me. Jaehyun stands a few feet away from me with his hands in his pocket. "What are you doing here?" I asked annoyed at his presence. "What? I can't be here at my house and check on my wife whom I hurt" he says. "Stop right there, I told you I was done, and I don't want to see you, I will no longer be in this toxic relationship you put me through so Jaehyun I want a divorce". 

"We can fix this just like all those times before" he says coming closer to me. "Jaehyun no we will never have what we once had and if you keep coming closer, I will call the police and have you arrested". Jaehyun rubs his hands threw his hair, "Where will you go if you leave me?". I scoffed, "I will be fine without you just like in Spain with my mother". I walked past him, and he grabs my arm pulling me back. I removed his arm from mine, "After the divorce is finalized, I will take custody of the kids" he says to me. "No, you won't Jaehyun, I will fight you on this!" I yelled at him. "I guess we will let the court decide who is fit" he says and starts to walk out. "Jaehyun you better fight fairly and don't cheat the system!" I yell following after him.

"Well dear when you're fighting against me in court, it's not rainbows and cupcakes" he says before slamming the door. I start crying and slides down to the floor. First, I lose my husband and now I'm about to lose my kids. I can't lose hope, I need to get all the help I can get. I texted Taeyong asking if he has a great lawyer. He said yes but asked me why and I explained it to him. Taeyong agreed to help me and wants to discuss it with me tomorrow. I went upstairs and laid down soon falling asleep.

The next morning I felt terrible but I tried not to let my emotions get the best of me. I got dressed and waited for Taeyong to come over with the lawyer he was introducing me to. I wondered who it was. There was a knock at the door, I walked towards it and turned the doorknob to see Taeyong standing there with a smile. "Good morning" he says and steps inside and walks pass me with the lawyer following behind him.

I closed the door and turned around facing them. "Nila, this is your lawyer Kim Namjoon the greatest lawyer out there" Taeyong says introducing me. Namjoon held his hand out for me to shake which I gladly did. "Nice to meet you".

We sat down at the kitchen table and Namjoon asked me questions about the kids and everything to help win the favor of the judge. After discussing, Namjoon put all the documents up and closed his brief case. "I will also help with filing for your divorce. I will call you in a few days when I get the dates so we can handle your case" Namjoon said standing and leaving.

I sighed in relief and looked at Taeyong. "Thank you so much I don't know what I would do without you". I pulled him into a hug. "Y-You're welcome" Taeyong studders out. I must have made him flustered by the sudden hug. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" I began to say pulling away from the hug when Taeyong wrapped his arms around me pulling me back.

"Its okay plus you may need this with everything that is going on" he says and I smiled thankful for him and his sweet jesters of cheering me up.

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