Chapter 3

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Mark is talking to Jaehyun, and he can't help but be distracted by the sudden phone Nila got. He wondered who could be on the other line and his curiosity was soon answered. "What? Cha Eunwoo it's so nice to talk to you again" Nila says while on the phone. Anger flew over his body at the name she just had mentioned. Jaehyun didn't say anything until after the guests left, so they wouldn't get involved.

After she ended the call, which was about 10 minutes, she came back towards him. They were happy that Mark and Johnny decided to visit them. Hours had passed and it was late so, Mark, Melody, and Johnny bid their farewells and planned to have dinner together tomorrow at their house. "So, what did Cha Eunwoo want?" Jaehyun asked Nila and she looked at him.

"He wanted to get together sometime and catch up" she said tiding up the living room area some. "Nope that is not happening" Jaehyun said, and she stopped what she was doing. Nila turns to look at Jaehyun with a confused face. "Why?". "Nila you know how I feel about him especially what happened that one time and on top of that they said that you guys were a couple" Jaehyun said giving her reasons.

"Jaehyun, we never dated, people always thought that because of how close of friends we were". He shook his head still not convinced, "I don't want him near our kids and especially you". Nila smiled, "Okay Mr. Possessive". Nila gave him a kiss on the lips and pulled away smiling. "I'm going to go shower" Jaehyun said, and she nodded. He goes upstairs trying not to think of Eunwoo at all. Jaehyun looks at himself in the mirror and stare at his reflection. It seems like you can never escape your past even if you change and push yourself away from it. He stepped into the shower letting the warm water hit against his skin. Jaehyun tried not to think about anything, but it worried him that Eunwoo was contacting Nila. He needed to stop him at any cost. 

After the shower, Jaehyun dried his hair and put some clothes on. He walked into Koeun's room to see him sound asleep. Jaehyun walked over to the crib and see that he had removed the cover in his sleep. He pulled the blanket up covering him again and placed a kiss on his head before exiting and closing the room door. Jaehyun walked over to Mi-Kyong's room and see that her door was cracked. He peeked inside to see Nila tucking her into bed. "Good night and I love you" Nila said and places a kiss on Mi-Kyong's head. "Mommy, Uncle Mark and Uncle Johnny brought me lots of dolls to play with" Mi-Kyong says and Jaehyun smiles while listening. He was about to walk off until he stopped when Mi-Kyong mentioned something about him.

"Mommy, is Daddy, okay?". "Yes baby, what makes you think he's not?" Nila asked. "Well, when Uncle Mark and Uncle Johnny left, I wanted to show you and Daddy my new toys, so I came down the stairs and saw him yelling at you". Jaehyun was about to open the door to clarify some things, but Nila beats him to it. "Your Daddy was yelling because of his job, when your Daddy works some of the people that work for him do the wrongs things doesn't listen to him, so that's why your Daddy was yelling". Mi-Kyong nods her head understanding and Nila wishes her good night once more before turning the light off. She comes out and was surprised to see him, after Nila closes the door, they head to their bedroom. 

"That was a nice thing that you told our daughter" Jaehyun said, and Nila turns around to face him. "Well, I didn't want our daughter to worry and end up telling her classmates" Nila says and goes into their closet to get clothes for her shower. "Yeah, you're right" Jaehyun said, and she smiles at him and then heads in the bathroom. After Nila gets out the shower she lays next to Jaehyun and falls to sleep quick. Jaehyun tosses and turns throughout the night but still can't sleep. He lays there staring up at the ceiling. Jaehyun decided to get a glass of warm milk to try and help him fall asleep. He stands in the kitchen as he warms up the milk up a little, he then hears footsteps. Jaehyun turn to see Mi-Kyong rubbing her eyes and looking at him. 

"Daddy, I can't go to sleep" she says, and Jaehyun laughs a little. I guess it true about what people say, like father like daughter. "Do you want some warm milk it will help you fall back to sleep" he said, and she nodded. He picked her up and placed her on the counter. Jaehyun pours the milk into the glasses and handed one of them to Mi-Kyong who took it and started to drink it. They stood there and drank the warm milk as she told him all about her knew toys. "Daddy?". Jaehyun places his glass down on the counter and looked at Mi-Kyong. "Yes?". "Tomorrow, can you take me to school instead because Mommy always does it and I want you to". Jaehyun smiled, "Well your lucky because I don't have any meetings at work tomorrow". Mi-Kyong gets excited and does her happy dance. 

"What do we have here?" a voice says, and they snapped their heads toward the voice to see Nila coming in with Koeun in her arms. "We couldn't sleep so we decided to get some warm milk, what about you?" Jaehyun asked. "This little one work up crying hungry, so I came down to get his bottle and fill it up with milk" she says. After taking care of the kids sleeping problem, they fell asleep. Nila and Jaehyun are laying and cuddling in each other's arms. "Good night, I love you" Jaehyun said to Nila. "I love you too and sweet dreams" she says and gives him a peck on his lips before turning over and falling back to sleep.

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