Chapter 1

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I just made dinner and Mi-Kyong kept saying she was hungry along with Jaehyun. She may have my beauty, but she acts like her father. I finished placing the plates down as everyone started sitting around the table. I picked up Koeun from the playpen and set him in his highchair. I took off my apron and hung up on the hook. I come back over to the table and sit down.

Mi-Kyong started grabbing everyone's hands even Koeun who tried to bite my finger. We bowed our heads saying grace completing in with amen. Everyone had smiles on their faces and started to eat, we all laughed and talked about how our days went. Mi-Kyong was excited talking about what happened today in her taekwondo class and how they learned a new difficult move, but she was the only one who aced it.

I was feeding Koeun when I felt my phone vibrating against my leg. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the caller I.D. It was an unknown number, I answered it and put it against my ear. "Hello" I said. "Long time no see Nila". I looked at Jaehyun who looked at me before mouthing the words, 'Who is it?'. I shook my head telling him I didn't know, before I could ask who had called, Jaehyun grabbed the phone and placed it against his ear instead.

I picked the baby spoon and continued to feed Koeun. "Don't ever call this number again or you will regret it soon" Jaehyun says and ends the call placing my phone on the table and continues to eat.

"So, who was it?" I asked wiping the baby food off of Koeun hands from where he played in it. Jaehyun doesn't looks at me and continues to eat, "Someone you don't need to know". I nodded my head and tried to let it go. After dinner, Mi-Kyong showed her new skill from class and we applauded her for it.

Jaehyun said that he'll clean the kitchen up since I cooked, while he does that, I decided to give the kids baths and get them ready for bed. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't let go of the person who called. Finally, the kids fell asleep, and I went into mine and Jaehyun's bedroom to see him taking his tie off and folding it back up to put it away.

"Baby, just tell me who was on the phone, so I don't get worried" I said and came towards him. "It's no one important okay so don't stress" he says placing his hands on my shoulders to reassure me. I sighed and slowly nodded my head; he smiles and places a kiss on my forehead before pulling me into a hug. "Well since you won't tell me you have to give me something in return" I said pulling away and looking at him as he held me in his arms still.

"Well, that depends on exactly what you might want". I smiled, "How about some of those wonderful cuddles of yours tonight?". Jaehyun chuckles at my answer, "My beautiful wife can have those cuddles anytime she wants".

I pulled away and frowned at him, "How come you tell me about this now?". "Because darlin, what would be special about them if you get them every night" Jaehyun says and kisses me. I kissed him back, "Get yourself ready for bed so, I can give you those cuddles" he says to me. I nodded heading towards the bathroom before stopping. "Oh, I almost forgot Mark is coming tomorrow with his girlfriend and so is Johnny" Jaehyun says to me. "Thanks for reminding me".

After taking a shower I saw that Jaehyun had taken one in the downstairs bathroom. I quickly got under the covers on my side of the bed, Jaehyun smiled and opened his arms for me as I snuggled closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his body as he also did mine and got comfortable as we cuddled.

We asked each other questions and talked about our life here with the kids. "How come when Yerin was being sentence for her time in jail, she got a lower sentence than she should have" I asked.

Jaehyun took a deep breath and released it before answering it, "I was so furious at what she had done to you, I wanted her to be fully punished for her crimes, I was with my lawyer discussing your case until I got a visit from Eunhyuk, He came to ask me to not go hard on Yerin despite everything she had done to ruin our relationship, he asked of a favor because he stilled loved her didn't want nothing bad to happen to her and the baby" I said.

"That was so sweet of you baby to do that for Eunhyuk, even though we wanted her to get her full punishment but, we can't change the pass now" I said. Jaehyun hummed in agreement, "Well I think that's enough of your special cuddles for the night, we have a lot to do tomorrow so, we should try and get some sleep" I said and unwrapped my arms from Jaehyun and turned around facing away from him and closing my eyes trying to go to sleep.

I feel the bed shift, but I think nothing of it as I now try to go to sleep. I open my eyes as I feel Jaehyun turn me over and is now hovering over me. "That was the shortest time of our special cuddles ever and that is now a problem" he says. "Well Mr. Jung, what are you going to do about it?" I ask challenging him. "This" he says and smashes him lips against mine, our lips moving in sync. I placed my hand around his neck and pulled him towards me deepening the kiss more.

Jaehyun tugs and bites my lips some, I decided to slip my tongue in his mouth as he also did mine. The kiss was getting way more heated, I decided to flip us over and now I'm on top. Since he always gets to be dominant, I also wanted to try it and tonight was the night.

Never Forget Sequel To Divorce Jung Jaehyun ffKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat