Chapter 9

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Jaehyun woke up to see him in an unfamiliar room, he sat up and saw clothes and condoms on the floor. jaehyun puts his clothes back on and his head started banging in pain from the hang over. He couldn't believe what he did to Nila. Jaehyun grabbed his phone and looked at the missed calls and text messages from Nila. He quickly rushed out the room to see Heejin standing there with a cup of coffee in her hands. "Where are you off to so quickly?" she asked placing her cup down on the table. "Look what happened last night was a mistake and we need to keep this a secret from Nila" Jaehyun said. Heejin rolled eyes, "Why keep it a secret when what happened last night you enjoyed it". 

Jaehyun looked at her confused, "I was drunk and what we did was all because I was intoxicated". Heejin walked up to him and wrapped her arms around Jaehyun. "I might just tell Nila about this tomorrow" she says smirking. Jaehyun removed her arms from around him, "You must keep this secret no matter what" he said. "Then keep coming over on Sunday and have nights like last night then I won't tell" she says blackmailing him. "I'll think about it and call you later" Jaehyun said, and she sighs before letting him by. Jaehyun opened the door and rush out, he got in the car and looked at his appearance in the rearview mirror. 

Jaehyun fixed his shirt and button it some. He tried to make it look as if he fell asleep at the office. Jaehyun pulled into the driveway and turned the car off parking it. He had this nervous feeling that wouldn't go away. He was so scared; He didn't want to lose his family over this. Jaehyun got out the car closing the door behind him. He walked up to the front door. Jaehyun hesitantly placed his hand on the doorknob before turning it. He pushed the door opened and walked inside and closing the door behind. Jaehyun turned around to see Nila with her arms crossed against her chest looking pissed. "Hey, babe" he said smiling. "Don't hey babe me, where were you last night? I called and text you many times, but you didn't answer!" she yells. 

"I know and I'm sorry, I fell asleep at the office, and I forgot to bring a charger" Jaehyun said, and she didn't buy it one bit. "Why do you look like you did more than just spend the night at the office? It's looks like you went drinking after" she says coming closer to him. "I did have a couple glasses of wine" he said, and she rolls her eyes. "Go shower, you smell like sweat" she says and lean down giving her a kiss on the cheek before heading upstairs. Jaehyun looked at his self in the mirror, he fucked up bad and now he has another problem on top of that. 

After the task Taeyong told Mark to do, Mark called him and told him who lived in the apartment. "Taeyong hyung, I found out who lived in that apartment" Mark said on the phone. "Who?" he asked on the other line. "A girl named Heejin she has a son named Yeon Jun, I've never heard or seen her before, and I don't know the connection between them" Mark said. Taeyong thanked him and hung up. mark decided to head to Nila's place and ask her if she knew a Heejin. About 10 minutes later, he arrived at the house and got out the car and went up to the front door ringing the doorbell. The door opened to reveal Jaehyun, "Hey, what's up Mark?" he asked. Mark had to think of a quick excuse. "I just want to visit and see how everything is going" Mark said, and Jaehyun nodded stepping aside letting him in. 

Mark walked in and saw Nila was in the living room watching a movie with Mi-Kyong while Koeun was in his playpen playing. "Hey guys" Mark said, and they all turned to look at him. "Uncle Mark!" Mi-Kong shouts excited before getting off the couch and hugging him. "Hi Mark, what a nice and surprise visit" Nila says standing up and turning the TV off. Mark smiled, "Well I'm going to work" Jaehyun says making everyone's attention on him. "Don't sleep there ever again and make sure to come home" Nila says. Jaehyun nodded and opened the door leaving, "What do you mean 'Make sure to come home'?" Mark asked confused. "Last night Jaehyun fell asleep in the office and didn't come home last night" she says.

That reminded me of where he was last night at the girl's Heejin's place. "Nila I need to ask you a question" Mark said and followed her into the kitchen. "Yeah, go ahead what is it?" she said pulling chicken out of the refrigerator about to wash it. "Do you know anyone with the name Heejin and has a son named Yeon Jun?". She stopped doing what she was doing and turned to face me "Yeah, she's one of my high school best friends". Mark widened his eyes at the new information, 'does she know that Jaehyun goes to her house every Sunday' he questioned his self.  "Why do you ask?" she says and continued what she was doing. Mark couldn't jump into conclusions, so he lied. "I heard you say something about reuniting with your high school classmates and I ran into someone saying she knew you and she told me her name was Heejin" Mark said, and she nodded. 

"Do you know who the father of her son is?" Mark asked and she shook her head. "She never told me, and It couldn't be Eunwoo so it has to be someone else's" she says washing the chicken and placing them on the cutting board about to dice them up. Mark nodded before pulling his phone out and texted Taeyong all the information he just got from Nila. Mark wondered why Jaehyun went over to Heejin's house Sunday. 

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