Chapter 8

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2 weeks later

Taeyong smiled as he walked through the airport with his sunglasses and suitcase heading outside. He waited for his ride to come pick him up, a black car pulled up and he opened the door to see Doyoung inside. "Aye, it's nice to see you Doyoung" Taeyong said, and he smiled. "Good to see you too" Doyoung said, and Taeyong went to open the trunk and place his suitcase inside before closing it.

Taeyong opened the passenger and sat down in the seat closing the door after him. "So how was France?" Doyoung asked him as they pulled off from the airport. "It was beautiful, and it really help me get through the feeling and past traumas that happened" Taeyong said. 

"Well, I'm glad that it helped you, but you better be prepared for the welcoming party that Taeil and Johnny is throwing for you". Taeyong laughed and looked out the window to see them pass buildings and trees before arriving to the house. They arrived at the house, and Taeyong sees all the members standing there including Jaehyun and Nila.

"Welcome back Hyung!" they all yelled, and Taeyong smiled at them feeling love and welcomed. After saying hello to each of the members except Jisung and Chenle which Taeyong don't know where they were, he went towards Nila. "Nila, it's nice to see you" Taeyong said and pulled her into a hug. "It's nice to see you too" she says and rubbing his back as they hugged and then pulled away. 

"So where is my niece and nephew?" Taeyong asked and she smiled. "Jisung and Chenle are watching them since they volunteered to" she says. Taeyong widen his eyes, "They actually volunteered, that's a bit shocking since that's very rare for me to see them do". "Taeyong hyung, we have a video call from Jisung and Chenle" Marks says running up to Taeyong and pulling him away from Nila.

They put the call on the big video screen as everyone gathered around. "Welcome back hyung, as you can see, we are quite busy and won't be able to see you till later, but we are happy and glad to see you back and in one piece" Jisung says. "Hello uncle's" Mi-Kyong shows up in the video randomly. "Hey!" all of NCT yells to the video. 

"Uncle Taeyong, I can't wait for you to visit us" Mi-Kyong says. "Don't worry I will visit you and your brother" he said, and she smiles. "Mommy, can my favorite uncles visit?" Mi-Kyong asks Nila. "Yes, but who is your favorite?" Nila asks. "I like uncle Yang yang, Hendery, Mark, Jungwoo and Lucas" Mi-Kyong making those members scream excitedly as she says they were her favorites.

"Okay" Nila says and Mi-Kyong screams excitedly as she leaves from the camera. Jisung and Chenle said their goodbyes before ended the call. Everybody resumed what they were doing. Jaehyun goes up to Nila and tells her something, she nods, and he leaves. Taeyong walked up to her and to see what it was about.

"Where is Jaehyun going?" he asked and Nila turns to face him sighing. "He has to go to work because of the company's new director or something like that" she says. "Want to go outside and talk about it?" Taeyong asked and she nodded. We go outside and sit on the concrete wall. "So, what's been going on since I've been gone?" Taeyong asked as they sat down.

"Well, nothing much until just recently I meet up with my high school classmates Heejin and Eunwoo" she says. Taeyong nodded taking a sip listening to what she had to say. "It's just ever since the encounter with Jaehyun and Heejin he's been going to work more often especially on Sunday and which he's usually off" she says. "Do you need my help? I can ask him about it" Taeyong suggested, and she shook her head no. 

"Thank you for the offer but I want to trust him" she says, and he nodded. "If you need anything just tell me, I will always be there for you". Nila smiled and stood up telling Taeyong, she needed to go home since it was getting late. Everybody left except Mark, Taeil, and Johnny. Taeyong stopped Mark from leaving.

"Mark, I have a question for you" he said and Mark turned around. "What is it?". "Since you work with Jaehyun a lot in the office, I just want to know is there this new board director trying to sign with the company?" Taeyong asked. "No everything seems normal at the company, why is there anything going on?" Mark asks. "Don't tell the others this but Jaehyun has been saying there is a new board director coming to sign and leaves every Sunday". 

Mark looks shocked at the lie Jaehyun's been telling Nila. "What are you waiting for? Let's follow him" Mark says. "How are we going to track him down, when he's already gone" Taeyong said. "Don't worry last Sunday he stopped at the company before leaving again, so I'm pretty sure he's there right now" Marks says. "It's worth a try" Taeyong said, and they hurried to the car. They drove to the company and saw Jaehyun's car still in the front. They parked the car and waited till he came out of the company. 10 minutes later he comes out the company's doors and gets in his car. Jaehyun pulls the car out and starts driving as Mark and Taeyong follow him but not too closely. 

Jaehyun stops in front of this apartment building and steps out the car. Mark and Taeyong parked a few feet away from him. "Mark, do you know who lives here?" Taeyong asked and he shook his head no. "Save the address and look up the person who lives here tomorrow" Taeyong said, and he nods. They leave and head back to the house. 

Jaehyun walked up to the door and knocked, Heejin opened it and stood aside. Jaehyun walked in and took his shoes off. "Yeon Jun is in his room" Heejin says, and he walk to the back. "I'm still not going to call you my dad" Yeon Jun says as he plays with his Batman set Lego's. "It's okay, we will worry about that later" Jaehyun said. 30 minutes later, Jaehyun tucked Yeon Jun in for bed and left his room closing the door. Heejin offered Jaehyun a drink and talked to him about Yeon Jun. jaehyun couldn't drive home in this state. "I'm s-sorry that I left you all alone to take care of him by yourself" Jaehyun said slurring his words. "It's okay, what matter's now is that your here for him now" Heejin says. Jaehyun smiled, Heejin then leans in and kisses him. Jaehyun pulled away and tried to think through, but the alcohol took over his body.

Jaehyun kissed her back and they made their way to the bedroom finishing what they started. 

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