Chapter 12

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I look at him and he says nothing else, "I can't believe you". Jaehyun looks at me worried about my state of mind. "You were scared that I was going to find out about Yeon Jun, I think that's bull shit". Everyone looked at me and was a little worried. "If you loved me and trusted me Jaehyun you would have told me because I would've understood, I get it that Heejin and you have a son together before you met me, but you should have told me I would've forgiven you" I said as a tear slipped out. "But sadly, you didn't, you lied and broke our vows breaking my heart" I said and wiped a tear. "I'm sorry" Jaehyun says beginning to come closer to me. 

I stopped him, "Sorry doesn't help this time, I don't want to see you. This is all your fault and I fucking hate you! During this whole marriage you always got involved with something making me pay for the consequences! You fucked with my sister making me be put into jail and I getting jumped by a group of girls all for the shit you started with Yerin! You are fucking selfish, and it makes me sick to look at you! You never loved me, and it shows by seeing you sleep with my best friend!" I yell fulling crying with my heartbreak and anger doing all the talking.

"That's not true I do love you" Jaehyun says grabbing my arms and holding me. "Get the fuck off of me Jaehyun!" I yelled and pushed him away, slapping him also. "I don't want you to touch me ever again! I should've of listen to everyone else when they said to leave you and now that's what I'm doing" I said and started taking the wedding ring off. I grabbed Jaehyun's wrist pulling up and opening his hand and placing the ring in the palm of his hand before closing it up. "Taeyong and Mark, can you take me home so I can pack my things?" I asked and they nodded as we headed towards the car. "You were never meant for each other, and I can't wait to hear your sweet little daughter call me mom again, after all I am a better one than you" Heejin says. I turn around and see Jaehyun looking at her trying to tell her to stop. 

I started to run up to Heejin slapping her and tackling her to the ground. I punched, slapped and scratched her face up. "Don't ever fucking question my parenting skills you dumb bitch!" I yell as she screams for Jaehyun and everybody else to pull me off of her. Jaehyun pulled me off and I quickly pulled his arms off from around me. I turn around to face him, "Jaehyun, how could you let Mi-Kyong call her mom huh? I raised her not that bitch! I gave birth to her while you were gone! I would never let our kids call another man dad because you are in their life and a great father, but you let this fucking bitch be called mom! I can't believe you did this to me" I cried out even harder. 

Taeyong comes up to me pulling me into a hug, "Let's go" he says, and I nodded as we walked to the car. "Mark, I want you to take Nila home" Taeyong says to Mark. I get into the car unable to stop crying, "Hyung, what about you?" Mark asked. Taeyong whispers something into Marks ear. Mark nods understanding before started the car driving. I really didn't care at this point what Taeyong said.

Taeyong watched as Mark leaves taking Nila home before he looked at Jaehyun again. "Why did you guys come along with her?" Jaehyun asked looking at Taeyong and Eunwoo. Taeyong smirked walking closer to him. "Why did you have to hurt her?". Jaehyun rolls his eyes, "What are you like in love with her?" he asks. "I have always loved Nila, but she married you, so I kept my distance. Now that you screwed up your marriage up and she no longer needs you, I have a chance at winning her heart and your kids will soon be calling me father" Taeyong said. Jaehyun grabs Taeyong's collar jerking him up by it.

"What did you say to me?!" Jaehyun yells in his face and Taeyong smirka. Jaehyun raises his fist punching him across the face. Taeyong fell to the floor as Jaehyun gets on top of him, and Taeyong laughs. "Jaehyun get off of him!" Eunwoo and Heejin yell as they try to get him off of Taeyong. They finally pulled him off and Taeyong stands up slowly and wipes the blood from his lips. "Fighting isn't going to help, Nila saw the real you and all I have to say is that Karma came and got you" Eunwoo says and starts pull Taeyong along with him leaving Heejin and Jaehyun. They get into the car and Eunwoo starts the car to drive to Nila's until Taeyong stopshim.

"Don't go there, she probably wants to be alone right now, I'll check on her tomorrow" he said and Eunwoo nods driving Taeyong to where he was staying currently. After Eunwoo drops him off Taeyong walked inside to see Taeil and Johnny coming over to him shocked and confused to what happened to his face. Taeyong couldn't just lie so he told them everything that just happened. "What do you think is going to happen now?" Taeil asked. Taeyong shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know but whatever happens I will support Nila" Taeyong said, and they both nodded. Taeyong left them and headed towards the bathroom to get the first aid kit and apply medicine and band aids to his wounds. 

He looked at his self in the mirror knowing he did wrong by provoking Jaehyun, but he shouldn't have hurt Nila and broke their family up. Taeyong wanted to be there for Nila and help her when she needs it. He picked up the phone and wondered if he should text her to see if she was okay. 

Never Forget Sequel To Divorce Jung Jaehyun ffDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora