Chapter 18

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It was so cold. Everything was cold. My stomach hurts. I missed my mom. If she was here, she would tug me to the bed and sang me her lullaby till I fell asleep or she would make me something to eat. Maybe she could tell me her stories while keeping me warm in her embrace.

I was still on the floor. I had no idea how many hours had passed. I couldn't even move. It was excruciating how I couldn't get used to the pain. I could feel the blood dripping down my neck. I was scared and all of my strengths vanished at this moment. I felt like giving up.

Maybe Damien was right, I was nothing but a little girl...

I could hear footsteps again. No. No. No. I wished I could have disappeared into thin air and never been reborn.

Now, the person was standing near me. I sobbed hard. I still couldn't believe that was happening to me. I tried to move away but I couldn't even open my eyes. Everything was damn hurt. "M- Mommy h- help," I was hyperventilating.

That person gently held me but his touches were painful for me. "Shhh," he cooed. But that cologne, was that Daniel? Because it was definitely not Damien.

He carried me in bridal style. I was scared but also fuming with anger. It was never the option to choose the safer path because everything about Damien led to my suffering. I squeaked out with closed eyes, " Put me down, you bastard,"

His grip was suddenly tightened on my thigh. " Shhh," he snapped.

I opened my eyes and met with a sharply defined jaw. He got defined features like Damien. Ha, another reason to hate him. I shivered at the contact between him and me as Daniel continued to carry me elsewhere.

He placed me on something soft. A maid came in and changed me into dry clothes, after that she put me into bed. I was more like a ragged doll with broken limbs. I couldn't even feel my legs anymore. It was all sore and cold.

Daniel came in again with a box. He was wearing the spectacles again.

He cleaned the wound at my neck. I couldn't do anything but clutched onto the sheets, hoping it would take away the stinginess in my neck. Then he put on the bandages. He kept a stoic face seemingly unfazed by my hateful glares.

He sat on the bed and prepared the syringe without making a glance at me. Ughh. I hated him. I fucking hate needles more.

So I asked him," I-Is that n-necessary?"

Silence... He was only focusing on his syringe as he tapped it a few times. I was watching his every move. But he never glanced at me. With an approval look on his face, the maid held me in place.

I could only turn the other way. My chest was tightening as I felt the excruciating pain. The shot was done and I was a crying mess. My eyes grew heavy and the last thing on my mind was his taunting eyes that held.....pity?


I woke up with a heavyweight on my waist. No need to investigate who it was. It was Damien. He was hovering over me again. He kept assaulting my face and my body. The room was lack of light. It was already night.

The bandage was digging deep into the wound as he was hovering over me harshly. He kissed me roughly while roaming his filthy hand over my body. I could taste something bitter. Was that alcohol?

"Don't you ever try to run away from me," he mumbled against my already bruised lips. "Do you hear me, baby girl?" he slurred. I stayed silent.

He sighed and got up from me. I heard him slam the bathroom door shut. I cursed under my breath because my stomach aches again. After almost an hour, Damien walked out with a towel. The moonlight was shining upon from the balcony. I didn't want to see him any longer so I pretended to be asleep.

I felt the bed dip and Damien joined the bed with a wet body. His hot finger traced the bandage on my neck slowly making me whimper.

" You brought this upon yourself," he mumbled while caressing my face with the back of his hand.

Was he trying to sound like a joke?! That was fucking obvious he did it on purpose. And he was even blaming me now. But arguing with someone like him wasn't even the option. I guessed we were passed that point, he held the power here.

I stayed silent with closed eyes.

"Hey, show me your beautiful eyes," he said while brushing his nose along my jaw.

Not wanting to fight him I fluttered my eyes open. His grey eyes almost shine in dim light. He leaned in again and kissed my eyebrows.

" That's my girl, " he said and got up to grab a tray on the table. It was the soup again. A lone tear escaped... Why should I have to suffer this shit?

But defying him now wouldn't make any difference. So I ate the soup as he fed me although I was on the verge of throwing up. Fortunately, he stopped at the half bowl and left the room.

Not knowing where he went or what happened later that, I blacked out again.

(The next morning)

Oh god. Why is my stomach so hurt? I needed to use the bathroom now! Damien's hand was over my chest firmly. I felt so irritated that I smacked his head. I just hit him.

He growled and held my wrists pinning down the bed. "What the hell you think you're doing?!" He growled.

"I need to use the bathroom," I snapped. He growled but let go of me.

I was gasping for air as I slowly sat up. The pain felt like thousands of needles jabbing on my stomach. My vision blurred...

I rubbed my eyes to see clearly and when I looked down... I saw my crotch was red. The white undie was now tainted with crimson colour. I felt like my head has grown bigger. Was that blood?????!!!!!!

I screamed making Damien snap his head at me.

What the hell was that????!!!!


"Unknowingly had been tricked into survival while the monster thrives within her callowness."

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