aftermath (crash)

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Its been a few days since freeing Rias from her engagement and you've been bedridden ever since, not because of any form of injury, no. You're bedridden because of the crash You're suffering after an ungodly amount of drugs.

At the moment it's night time and you've been in bed all day with a crushing headache

Y/n: uuuuuugh I feel like Issei's right hand right now

You groan into your pillow making Asia tilt her head in confusion

Asia: how do you mean?

Y/n: overworked and tired

You continue to gently groan in your pillow from your drug crash

Asia: how do you feel?

Y/n: like my heads gonna implode

Asia: aww I'm so sorry y/n...

Asia walks by you and gently runs a hand through your hair for you

Asia: get some well needed rest okay?

Y/n: thank you Asia

You smile weakly from in your pillow and relax your muscles a bit

Asia: you fought so hard y/n

Y/n: I know and it felt so badass

Asia: trust me when I say you'll feel better soon

You nod and look at Asia slightly as she sits on the very edge of your bed stroking your hair with a gentle smile. You muster up your strength and open your covers for her which surprises her a lot

Y/n: it's fine if you don't wanna it's just that your sat on the edge of my bed.

Asia nervously slides herself into your bed and lays next to you whilst continuing to stroke your hair

Asia: i-it's okay, thank you for the gesture

She gently negins to play with the green tips of your bangs

Asia: these look so nice on you I hadn't really had time to say so

Y/n: thank you. My parents let me get them a few weeks before moving here

Asia: oh really. what are your parents like?

Y/n: my father is...odd to say the least and a little sketchy but my mom...she's great

Asia: I never knew my parents...all I know is that my mom left me at a church when I was a baby

Those words had hit you deep. How could someone abandon their own child? You turn your head and see Asia looking a little saddened

Y/n: I'm so sorry Asia

Asia: no no its perfectly fine

You sigh and smile weakly before gently placing a hand upon her head and ruffling her hair a little causing her to blush a bit

Y/n: I'm here for you Asia. Whenever you wanna talk just talk to me

Asia: I-I...okay

She looks down in embarrassment and also to hide her blush a bit so you decide to turn onto you side to face her so you can wrap an arm over her

Y/n: thanks Asia

Asia (in head): he's really kind when he isn't jumping or running's great

She gently snuggles herself into your chest and lays there with a glowing blush and a small smile. You pull the duvet up a little to make sure you're both warm then you proceed to wrap your arm around her again and cuddle her

Asia: goodnight y/n I hope you feel better tommorow

Y/n: thanks Asia...goodnight to you too

You hold her close to you and drift off to sleep quickly. Throughout the night you held Asia close to you and she in turn snuggled herself up to you.

When morning came about the sun had began to shine in your face making you stir a bit and open your eyes. You tried to sit up but felt an arm around you, you looked to see who the culprit was and it was Asia still asleep with an arm wrapped around you.

Y/n (in head): now thats adorable...hey wait a minute I don't feel like death anymore

You smile and look at the sleeping Asia who is now stirring herself and opening her own eyes

Asia: whats going on? what time is it?

Asia looks up to you and smiles before blushing again.

Asia (in head): d-did we cuddle the whole night

She sits herself up along with you and smiles towards you

Asia: hey are you ready for school today y/n?

Y/n (in head): I wanna die again

You nod and smile before looking at the clock, it was 7:10 you had time to get ready.

You got out of bed and took a nice warm shower and then proceeded to get yourself dry then dressed. After doing all of that you're sat in your room just chilling on your bed

Asia walks into the room and looks at you before walking up to you and gently touching your hair a little

Asia: did you brush your hair at all?

You sigh and shake your head then look back to see she already had a comb in hand...damn she's quick

Asia: I'll do it don't worry

She smiles more and begins to comb through your hair with relative ease

Y/n (in head): nobody's ever been this nice to this what having a sister is like?

She finishes combing through your hair and then starts gently playing with your bangs again

Asia: they look so much like that green stuff in those syringes of yours

Y/n: do they? I hadn't really noticed

Asia giggles and stops playing with your hair. She takes a seat by you and leans on you a bit

Asia: are you sure you feel better y/n

You nod and chuckle making her look up at you in confusion

Asia: whats so funny?

Y/n: you're acting like your some sort of little sister...and its adorable

Asia looks down and blushes again before looking back up and pouting a little

Y/n: what its true

You laugh a bit and scratch the back of your head from embarrassment

You sigh and look at the clock that says its now 7:30

Y/n: lets go Asia school will start soon

Asia nods and stands up along side you. You walk out your room and knock on Issei's door to which he comes out and greets you. The three of you leave the house and walk down the street towards kuoh somethings bound to happen again isn't it?





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