heyo its KFC and a dialysis machine?

4K 47 26

After the whole getting turned into a devil fiasco you were ready to head home, as was everybody else. Rias stood up and placed another magic circle near the door of the room

Rias: y/n I apologise for saying this but you're not strong enough to use a teleportation circle at this moment therefore you have to get home on your own ok?

Y/n: sure thing Rias (you turn to Issei and Asia) see you both at home

You stand up and immediately bolt out of the building and towards Issei's home, that same feeling of a barrier blocking your full pote to was still there, you know for a fact it's there right in front of you yet you can't seem to grasp it.

Whilst running home you make it to the overpass and you being you, you decide to say fuck the stairs and jump down them into and into a roll to recover. This time the run from school to Issei's home took 9.78 seconds, or in your terms fucking pathetic.

After you make it to the house you come to a halt to see Issei, Rias and Asia just made it there at the same time you did. Something you didn't realise is that after this run you felt like you were o some kind of adrenaline high

Rias: my my what you said is true you really are a speed demon y/n

Y/n: believe it hot stuff (in head) oh fuck did I just call Rias hot stuff

To play it off you fire a quick finger gun to Rias as she develops a very very VERY tiny blush on her cheeks.

You start to walk into the lawn whilst not concentrating as you hit something and fall flat on your ass

Y/n: what the fu-

You look up to see boxes upon boxes of stuff which you assumed belongs to Asia

Asia: I'm so sorry I appear to have more stuff than I thought

Issei: no problem surely y/n won't mind

Y/n: I honestly dont mind to be completely honest with you

You get up and look at these boxes as within a second you counted twenty boxes and you've managed to check their sizes

Y/n: Asia do you want help with all of these

Asia: yes please help would be appre-

Before she can finish her sentence you've disappeared and so have about ten of the boxes. After three seconds you appear back outside with a smile instead of a grin

Asia: wow you really are something y/n

You nod in acknowledgement before taking the rest of the boxes upstairs in the blink of an eye.

After a good half an hour your on what is now your side of the room sat on the side of your bed and listening to music whilst Asia finishes unpacking, you would've helped but she insisted that you had done enough for her.

After Asia had finished unpacking she breathed a sigh of relief whilst turning around to see you listne and to music. She walks over to you and taps your shoulder to get your attention

Y/n: si whats up Asia

Asia: what are you listening to?

You take out one earbud and gently place it in her ear for her as you pull out your phone and play another random song from you 2500 song long playlist.

After 2 minutes of listening to sweet dreams by marlyn manson. Asia had shook her head with a slightly fearful look

Asia: can you change the song?

You nod and change the song to...

Octane male reader X highschool dxdWhere stories live. Discover now