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Name: y/n silva



(With green on the tips of the bangs)

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(With green on the tips of the bangs)

Nationality: American (Mexican parents)

Personality: excitable, energetic, fun loving

Likes: running (specifically sprinting), messing with people, and a special someone (no spoilers)

Dislikes: dickbags and getting stopped from having fun

Since childhood you've been able to run extremely fast, your mother saw it as a gift as did your father. At one moment you'd be one olace and the next you'd be in a completely different one, you learnt to love running quickly from childhood and improved on your own speed over time even down to the point to which you can see people and things clearly

(At this point in the story issei will already be a devil...I've read over the Issei death and saving Asia part so many times it bores me now so it'lltake place just before Asia moves in with Issei)

Yesterday you moved from your home of America to Kuoh for educational purposes and you moved in with a family called the hyoudou's. After moving in and becoming acquainted you went to bed to get prepared for the day ahead but before you knew it it was a Monday and today was unlike any other, today you were going to officially join your new school kuoh academy, a recently all girls school turned co-ed.

As we speak you're dressed in your uniform and are waiting by the door for Issei to come down and head to school with you

Y/n: c'mon Issei C'monC'monC'mon let's go already dude

Issei (from upstairs): one second man geez

Y/n: don't 'one second man geez' me or I will go up those stairs and throw you down them.
You said confidently as you tapped your foot rapidly on the floor.

Whilst tapping your foot Issei's mom Miki see's you

Miki: oh you seem excited for that normal in the states

Y/n: what!? No of course not I'm just excited to see what Japanese schools are like

Miki: fair enough. Is Issei still not ready yet?
She said confused

Y/n: no he isn't (you look up the stairs) BUT I WISH HE WAS!

After yelling up the stairs Issei comes down the stairs with his uniform on and sighs

Issei: ugh fine dude lets go.
Issei sighs

Before Issei can react you've opened the door and are already on the edge of the lawn waiting for him once again tapping your foot waiting for him

Issei: whoah man your quick!

You simply nod and look down the street and point down it

Y/n: is the academy down the road?

Octane male reader X highschool dxdWhere stories live. Discover now