.+* Chapter 13 ~ It's (Almost) Time *+.

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PoV: Senjuro

"So, I'm sure you're wondering why I called you all here?" The young Master asked. "Er- Master, not everyone is here yet.." Senjuro spoke up, still quiet as ever. "I am aware, thank you Senjuro."

"Now, to discuss why I called you all here, come inside please. This is a private matter." The five Hashira exchanged glances, before following their young Master inside, Aoi sliding the door shut behind them all.

"It's about Nezuko." Two of the five Hahsira percent leaned forward, Zenitsu, Kanao, and Aoi still sitting in the same position as before.

"But, isn't she dead?" Senjuro asked quickly, Inosuke nodding. "Well, that's what we thought." Senjuro and Inosuke exchanged confused glances. "What do you mean exactly?" Inosuke asked, surprisingly keeping his cool.

"Well, Zenitsu here encountered her on his last mission." The Beast and Flame Hashira quickly turned to face Zenitsu. "What..?" Inosuke muttered to himself, "That's impossible, she went with Kentaro..."

"Zenitsu, I'll let you explain what happened, you were there of course, not me." Zenitsu nodded, four sets of eyes trained on him, Senjuro could see he looked nervous and/or uncomfortable and felt bad for the Thunder Hashira.

"Well, as you know, I met Nezuko.. And she's no longer human." Senjuro listened carefully, this could not be good at all.

"However, she isn't just any demon. She's an Uppermoon now. Specifically, Upermoon One." Senjuro let out a little gasp while Inosuke processed the information. "What..?"

"Yeah... But she told me she hasn't eaten any humans, or rather that she can't..." Kanao nodded her head thoughtfully, while Aoi fiddled with the sleeves of her kyahan, something Senjuro noticed she seemed to do whenever she was upset or uncomfortable with the situation she was in.

"And Tanjirou? Was he nearby?" Kanao asked. "No, he wasn't... But there is something I should tell you all..." Everyone in the room leaned in slightly to listen better. "Five years ago, I went on a mission to Mt. Sagiri, with Tsuki and you Senjuro." Senjuro nodded, he remembered that mission and how they were informed not to attempt to take on the Upper ranks.

"Well, I..." Inosuke seemed quiet uncomfortable, and kept glancing over at Aoi, who almost looked as if she was about to cry. Senjuro felt bad for the both of them, and everyone in this room too. It was not a pleasant atmosphere.

"I saw Tanjirou." Everyone froze at that moment. Senjuro felt as if time stopped at that exact moment, he felt as if his mouth was sewn shut, no words could come out. "You what..?" He asked finally, being the first one to speak up. "The shorter demon, with the cloak..." Zenitsu said quietly.

"You remember right?" Senjuro nodded. "Well, it looked up at me and... It was him. It was Tanjirou..." Senjuro could feel himself getting dizzy, he was that close to Tanjirou. The Demon King. And he didn't even notice it.

"That can't be true... Why wouldn't he have attacked us?" Senjuro asked again, the other Hashira in the room nodded in agreement, exchanging murmurs of a conversation. "I don't know why he didn't attack... But I belive he's still in there. He isn't completely lost." Kanao opened her mouth to say something, but quickly closed it, her lips pressed together in thought.

Then she spoke, a frown spreading across her face like a river flooding its banks. "So... Your plan then Zenitsu? Is it what I think it is?" Aoi looked over at her, then nodded. "If you think I'm suggesting a cure... Then yes, you would be correct." Kanao smiled slightly. "I thought so."

"Er... Does this mean that we could possibly end up with another battle?" The young Master asked. "I suppose so... It seems the only way." Aoi responded solemly.

"Very well then. Inform the others, Zenitsu, help me send out as many crows as possible please." Zenitsu nodded, standing up. The other Hashira exchanged glances and all stood up. It was finally happening. They were going to get their friend back.

And Senjuro was willing to die trying.

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