.+* Filler ~ The Graves of Those we Cared For *+.

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PoV: Zenitsu

Zenitsu opened his door to the sight of a damp, marshy garden. He ignored it, squelching through the mud, a few fat drops of rain splashing in his head.

By the time he'd reached Inosuke's estate, he was thoroughly soaked, dripping wet. He knocked on the door, and heard a ruckus inside. A few things were knocked over, and by the sounds of things, something smashed.

Inosuke opened the door, fastening his belt with his dual katanas tucked under his arm. "You're here early Monsitu!" He snapped, fixing each katana at one of his hips. "Well then I apologise." Zenitsu responded to his friend, looking down at him.

Inosuke was quite short compared to Zenitsu, unlike the rest of their friends, he hadn't grown an inch. It frustrated the young man, which seemed to make him even angrier than ever when his height was mentioned. The two began their journey through thick woods next to the Beast Hashira's estate, careful of the thick undergrowth and stray tree roots.

The rain had taken a break from falling, yet the earth was still dampened, with small pools of rain water scattered all over. A few beams of soft sunlight shone through the clouds, with a few butterflies floating past lazily, and snails sitting peacefully on the bright green vegetation.

After almost an hour of travelling, the friends had reached their destination. A graveyard. And a large one at that. Inosuke was unusually quiet, and Zenitsu could quite literally hear the thick gloomy wave of emotions that clouded around him.

The Hashiras made their way to an empty gravestone, with 8 other graves positioned next to it. There was a man sat there with three women around him. They all seemed to be maybe in their mid 30's. The man had white hair, and the three women all had black hair, but one of them had a blonde section at the front.

"Tengen-San." Zenitsu called to the man, who turned to smile at the two young men, the three women doing the same. "Ah, hello you two, nice to see you both again, well and uninjured." Zenitsu walked up to the group and sat down, Inosuke following and doing the same.

"Happy birthday Tomioka-San." He said quietly, placing down a basket a small bouquet of periwinkle and a basket of ohagi and salmon daikon. The man smiled at the gift. "You two make this? Pleasant gift for Tomioka, I'm sure he'll appreciate it." Zenitsu nodded solemnly, and Inosuke stayed quiet, clinging onto the fabric of Zenitsu's black haori.

Zenitsu clasped his hands together and closed his eyes, silently praying to the dead Hashira. The group had been visiting each grave on each of the Hashiras's birthdays. They'd invited Kanao and Aoi, but the two grisly found it too painful to be near the graves of their deceased masters and older sisters, Shinobu and Kanae.

Zenitsu felt warm, salty tears beginning to stream down his face, and could hear Inosuke choking back sobs as well. He missed the Hashiras before them. They didn't deserve to die. He was going to put an end to this, end the suffering of those hurt by demons.

He would rid the world of those foul beats, one by one. And he'd put a stop to the most powerful of all. Muzan Kibutsuji. He swore his own life on that. He would do it, no matter the cost. Even if it was his own life.

A/N: I don't really know what this chapter is aha, I just felt like I had to write something for Giyuu, since I love him so much! Anyway, happy birthday to the friendless man.

P.S. I probably won't write anything like this until the end of the fic, it doesn't have anything to do with the plot, I suppose it's just a filler while I figure out what to do for the next chapter lol.

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