.+* Chapter 6 ~ Old Friends *+.

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PoV: Zenitsu

Zenitsu walked through the thick forest, slashing any plants in his way with his blade. He was in a relatively bad mood, not only had Inosuke been annoying him more than usual, everywhere he went he seemed to run into more and more demons.

Although nerve-racking to be so close to where he lived, the constant flow of low level demons reminded him of an infestation of buzzing flies. Lots of buzzing flies.

Another demon charged at him, and he sliced its head off in ond clean slice, the head and body going their separate ways, angry yelling heard until the creature disintegrated.

He looked down at the only remains of the creature with disgust, and continued his trek through the woodland. He heard a rustle from the thick, leafy canopy above him, before a sparrow flew down and landed on his head.

"Chu! Chu! Chu!" it chirped at him, hopping down from his head onto his hand, which he'd held up for it. "Hello Chuntaro." Zenitsu smiled, breaking his usual monotone expression.

"Been a while since it was just you and me, ay?" The bird chirped again in response, hoping back onto the blonde's hair. Zenitsu heard some kids playing up ahead, and decided he would ask for directions. He was pretty lost in these woods after all.

He made his way up to the children, his footsteps not even making a peep. He was completely and utterly sile- CRACK. The chiltern heads whipped around to face Zenitsu with fear. He muttered a curse under his breath, he'd stepped on a stick. Fucking idiot.

"W-who are you, and what d-do you want?!" A teen girl around the age of 15, who Zenitsu assumed to be the oldest of the children, demanded with a yell. He paused, she sounded familiar. He looked her up and down, she had black hair and hazel eyes.

Wait a minute... "Teruko?" He asked, tilting his head to the side in confusion. The girl froze, her eyes widening in shock. Zenitsu half expected them to pop out of her sockets and fall into the ground at that moment.

"How do you know my name?!" She yelled again, her voice becoming more shrill this time. Zenitsu winced, and heard two sets of footsteps approaching rapidly. He unconsciously reached for his katana, before realising it two humans.

Two boys, one looking around 18 and the other 22, ran up to the girl and the children with her. "What's going on, what's with the yelling?" The older one asked, very obviously quite worried.

The two caught sight of the blonde man and took a defensive stance in front of the children. The middle younger of the two paused, looking the slayer up and down. His arms dropped to his side and his mouth fell open in the shape of an O. His face ridiculed with utter shock.

"Zenitsu?" The boy asked, utterly dumbfounded. The Hahsira nodded, "Hello again, been a while." The older boy looked up, now also seeing the resemblance. "There's no way that's Zenitsu right? What happened to the crybaby?" He asked his younger brother.

Zenitsu gave a sad chuckle. "A Lot happened to the crybaby. A lot." The teen girl just seemed confused. "Who even is this Zenitsu guy anyway?" She asked her brothers, prodding and poking the answer out of them.

"Well, he saved Kiyoshi and I when we were younger, don't you remember?" Teruko paused, thinking hard. "Oh yes, I remember now! Wasn't he more... Short? And more... Childish?"

Zenitsu just simply ignored the minor insults. "I was just hoping to ask for directions to Mt. Sagiri? I'm completely and utterly lost at this point." He said quickly, looking down at the two younger siblings, and being at the same height with the oldest.

"Oh you're miles away from there, Zenitsu! A few days of walking at the very least." Kiyoshi responded to the man. "You can stay at our home for the night, it'll be getting dark soon."

"Are you sure?" The Hashira asked, he wouldn't mind staying the night with the children, it would be nice to see them again, but he had to get to Mt. Sagiri quickly for his mission...

"Of course Zenitsu, please?" Teruko pleaded with him, tugging on the sleeve of his haori. Her brothers nodded in agreement. Zenitsu sighed, "Fine."

He was sat in the children's house, quite awkwardly. Their parents were kind enough to offer him a meal, currently being made by the father, while the mother spoke pleasantly with him asking all sorts of questions.

"Oh well it's quite lovely to meet you dear, I've heard such wonderful things about you and your friends from my children," The woman said with with smile, "In fact, where are your friends?" She asked the blonde with a slight tilt of her head. Zenitsu's gaze darkened, "Inosuke is recovering after a rough encounter with a Lower Moon demon, and Tanjirou... We don't talk about him, at least not anymore..."

The woman noticed Zenitsu's crestfallen expression, and quickly changed the subject, "Well, that's completely alright dear. It seems like food is ready, why don't we go eat?" She smiled at the young man, before turning on her heels to the kitchen, most likely assuming he was following her, which he was.

A/N: Ahhh, I'm so sorry this chapter took so long, hope you all enjoy! I'll be updating more often now :)

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