.+* Chpater 5 ~ Rose-coloured Arson *+.

685 11 4

PoV: Uppermoon One

The fresh snow crunched softly under the girl's feet as she walked through town. She wore a long green and black checkered cloak with a hood covering her face, she made it herself. She grinned, fondly recalling the day she stole it when it was just a torn up haori.

"No no no! Where is it?" A blonde slayer cried out, frantically searching his home. "God fucking dammit!" The older boy began to cry, and collapsed down onto the floor in defeat. The girl was sat on his window, surprised he hadn't noticed her. He was a hashira after all.

"Such a fond memory!" She chuckled to herself as she reached the small storr
she was looking for. She glanced around the dark streets. Empty... Perfect! She knocked down the door in one swift kick, yet created quite the racket, knocking over many things on the inside.

She looked behind her, noticing a few lights in houses turning on, before hearing yelling from the closest. Shit. She ran inside and grabbed what she was looking for, and sprinted out, holding the bag firmly in her pale hands.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" A woman yelled at her, quickly approaching her. The woman paused, staring at the girl's checkered cloak, her eyes widening. "Tanjirou..?" She asked, utterly dumbfounded.

The girl let out a chuckle. The woman paused, realising her mistake. "Ah, apologies. There was a boy who lived uo the mountain over there named Tanjirou, he was a lovely boy, but he disappeared 12 years ago now... Again, I apologise, he wore a haori similar to what you are wearing now dearie."

The woman gave a small bow to apologise to the girl, but took a step back as she felt something warm splatter along her face and hair. She looked to the girl, and noticed her arm, it was bleeding horribly.

"Oh! Your arm- Are you alright?" The girl looked behind the woman, a crowd of around two or three families had gathered. She frowned, and let out a low growl. The woman stepped back a few paces, clinging onto what most would presume to be her husband.

The cloak wearing girl leapt onto a roof, her hood being blown down in the process. She had long, flowing black hair with amber coloured tips. Weirdly enough however, she had a large, curved horn on her head, and a number carved into both of her eyes.

The looked down at the humans, and shook her hand once, her warm blood splattering them all. Disgruntled shouts and yells were heard from the crowd below, and a few more people were rave enough to venture outside.

The girl grinned a wide, maniacal grin. "Let this be a lesson to those who speak his name without permission." She motioned to the crowd below her with her non-wounded hand.

She raised her hands, and the palms of her hands gave of a soft glow. "Long live the Demon King." And with those five simple words, the crowd below was engulfed in a spiral of pink flames. Ear splitting screams echoed through the town, but only for a few moments, then thr night was silent once more.

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