.+* Chapter 4 ~ Wallowing in Despair *+.

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PoV: ???

It was dark, and cold. I was cold, oh so terribly cold. I could feel tears running down my face, it stung as the salt brushed over my continuously bleeding wounds, but I had not a drop of energy to stop it.

"I want to go home..." A raspy, hollow voice came. Was that me? I'd been here too long to tell, perhaps it was, or maybe not. Who knows? Not me.

I heard soft footsteps which stopped in front of me. I raised my head, and set my gaze upon the person standing over me. They looked familiar, who were they?

"Why did you leave us?" I heard it ask, before it changed shape, becoming someone else. "You hurt us all."

I stared, feeling more tears welling up in my eyes, a heavy lump forming in my throat. It changed again, "We're all dead now." It said, blank eyes staring down at me.

I don't like this, it feels wrong, something isn't right. It changed again. "Because of you." A flood of horrid memories invaded my mind, before an ear splitting scream echoed through this place.

I collapsed on the floor, sobbing. I hated this, I hated whoever that was, and I hated me. I was sobbing still, shaking and sputtering from lack of air in my lungs. I looked up, seeing the strange person walking away.

"Wait-!" I choked out, shakily raising a hand, "Don't leave me here... Please." I begged, violently shaking under my own weight. "You left us." It said simply in a quiet sing-song voice, looking back at me before turning on its heels and leaving, fading away into the dark abyss around us.

"No..." I weeped pitifully, sinking to the floor. My lungs were burning, and the pain of my wounds came back to me once more. Everything hurt, it all hurt so, so bad. I wanted to scream, I wanted to yell, but my throat was dry and raw.

I heard heavier footsteps approaching and felt my entire body seize up. I scrambled into a sitting position, shivering violently, my breath coming in short, sharp, painful gasps.

"Do not cry, child." Came the voice of the one approaching. He was around average height, maybe taller. He wore a monochrome suit, which matched his long, wavy, pristine white hair. His most noticeable feature was striking vermillion eyes, with cat-like slits for pupils.

He crouched down to my level, a disheartened expression across his pale face. He knelt down, and extended a hand to caress my face, wiping away the tears. "Do not fret dear child, I am here for you." He whispered gently in my ear, brushing a strand of hair away from my face.

He forcefully pulled me into a strange sort of hug, stroking his fingers through my deep maroon hair. A small part of me said I shouldn't trust this man, but he felt warm, safe... Comforting. So I let him, I didn't protest, I didn't fight. I just let him be. He did seem to be helping me after all.

A/N: I don't know how obvious it is who the characters features in this chapter are, but I just want to put it out there I am NOT shipping them.

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