.+* Chapter 1 ~ Hashira Meeting *+.

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PoV: Zenitsu

"Good morning my children." Came the voice of the master, "Is the sky blue today?" He asked with a smile, "Yes Master, the sky is quite lovely today!" Came the cheery voice of Tsuki.

The master smiled, Turing his blins gaze to the sky, feeling the gentle warmth of the sun on his face."I'm sure you may all me wondering why I've called a meeting so early into this month."

All eight Hashiras nodded, and the master clasped his hand together smiling brightly, "Well, I'd like to introduce you to our newest Hashiras." The Hashiras' heads turned to the left, where another slayer stood nervously.

"Please welcome Yuko Kiyama, a Breath of Kitsune user." The Hashiras gave mixed reactions, the most notable being Zenitsu's nod of respect, Senjuro's sheepish wave, and Tsuki's overly joyful smile.

"Meeting dismissed, why don't you all try to get to know each other?" The master said calmly, walking away with two white haired children leading him back inside his estate.

Tsuki and Kyo were the first to walk over to Yuko, both having their hands entwined. Tsuki began chattering loudly and cheerfully to the new arrival, Kyo just quietly holding onto her arm.

Sooner or later, most of the Hashiras had surrounded Yuko, welcoming her to their rank. However, the Water and Flower Hashiras, were off to the side, talking to each other in hushed whispers. Zenotsu glanced over at them, and left the group, deciding to join in their conversation.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, butting in. "Ah Zenitsu, would you like to join our conversation? It's about him." Aoi said quietly, Zenitsu nodded and so the discussion began.

"So you're trying to get in contact with Yushiro then?" Zenitsu asked once the two girls had finished talking. "Yes, but so far only his cat has returned with short messages from him. "Hm.... Perhaps I could help find him." Zenitsu suggested.

The three were so focused on talking that they didn't notice Tsuki and Kyo had been standing next to him, until Tsuki butted in. "Oh, you're talking about Yushiro? I know how to find him." The three looked at her startled, then with surprises and utter confusion.

"How though?" Asked Aoi, "He's so illusive, and he ignores all our requests." She grumbled angrily. "Well, I don't know him directly, but I have a close friend who can help." With these words, she took her pigeon off her head, which had been perched there the entire time.

She hadn't been able to have a (blank) crow for missions, so she was given a pigeon instead, but when offered a crow, she declined and kept the pigeon. "Go find you know who." She said, and the pigeon took off

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