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Obviously, the first thing I want to do is to thank every single one of you. Every read, every vote, every comment.

You mean the world to me, even if we have never interacted. Every little note that ends with a heart? That's not just a signature, that means something. I love you so much.

This will probably sound stupid but this book has been so important to me. It's the first time I have truly fallen in love with a project. Every thought of every day has been pretty much dedicated to this and I'm kinda certain my friends and family are sick of hearing about it, although they would never admit it. It has also been strangely therapeutic, lol.

I've been writing this for just under a year, having started in late June (2021) and started publishing in late October. To be honest, I had only been watching The 100 for a week and I only started writing fanfic during lockdown in 2020, around the age of 14. I've still got a lot to learn but I'm really proud of this.

The first thing I remember about Wren was wanting her to be funny, an interesting task since I have no experience writing my own humour (hoping it worked, lol). Then I chose Adria Arjona as her face claim and the three jackets became a marker of her, at least to me. And then her character arc, her amputation and finally her addiction.

I had doubts for a long time and spent countless hours researching every detail I could think of, so I really hope that this portrayal was okay and not disrespectful. If it was, please let me know what I can do to rectify this.

Dont really want to rant so I'll draw this to a (probably clichéd) close.

Thank you.

Thank you for giving my writing a chance. Thank you for being patient. Thank you for sharing this with me.

I hope you enjoyed reading about Wren and her journey, about Ezri and Drea and Eno. I hope this wasn't too angsty, lol.

I would love to know what you thought of this book, all (respectful) feedback is very welcome.

I love you. ❤️

When Songbirds Fly   |   Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now